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[Solved] 2nd NIC in XP hosted VMWare/Kubuntu 8.10 session doesn't work

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    [Solved] 2nd NIC in XP hosted VMWare/Kubuntu 8.10 session doesn't work

    I have a windows XP machine (Call it B) running xlight ftp server that has several ftp users enabled.

    When ftping from a windows text console on machine A into windows machine B all users can login fine.

    So far so good.

    Now, a kubuntu 8.10 VMWare session is started on windows machine A (vsftpd package has been installed). Attempts to ftp into windows machine B from the console appear to connect and it prompts for user name and password, then always fails with a "530 Login incorrect" error.

    The typed login and passwords are correct and do work from windows machines.

    Any idea what can cause this?

    Re: ftp login from Kubuntu 8.10 to Windows XP always fails

    No solutions but a couple of questions.
    1) Are you sure that the problem is Kubuntu and not Vmware? Have you tried to get in from a virtual windoze machine on machine A?
    2) Have you tried using a real Linux machine instead of a vitual one? e.g. dual boot on machine A.
    3) Have you tried another sftp program in your vrtual Kubuntu machine, e.g. openssh-client which I use to communicate from my Linux box to a Unix server at a local university.. I've used sftp in both directions with success, but I've never tried vsftp.


      Re: ftp login from Kubuntu 8.10 to Windows XP always fails

      Thanks for the response, it's always good to bounce this stuff off someone who asks good questions.

      Originally posted by askrieger
      No solutions but a couple of questions.
      1) Are you sure that the problem is Kubuntu and not Vmware? Have you tried to get in from a virtual windoze machine on machine A?
      Machine A doesn't have virtual windoze installed, but it does have a VM running QNX which has no trouble ftping into machine B.

      2) Have you tried using a real Linux machine instead of a vitual one? e.g. dual boot on machine A.
      That's hard to test. Our IT department won't let us install another bootable OS, thus the need for VMWare. Actually, they don't want us to use VMWare either but there's only so much they can say to engineers who need to get a job done.

      3) Have you tried another sftp program in your vrtual Kubuntu machine, e.g. openssh-client which I use to communicate from my Linux box to a Unix server at a local university.. I've used sftp in both directions with success, but I've never tried vsftp.
      No, I haven't tried that. vsftp got good reviews and seemed very simple to set up. I'll fiddle around with it, thanks.


        Re: ftp login from Kubuntu 8.10 to Windows XP always fails

        Originally posted by TastyHuman
        That's hard to test. Our IT department won't let us install another bootable OS, thus the need for VMWare. Actually, they don't want us to use VMWare either but there's only so much they can say to engineers who need to get a job done.
        you can use the live cd or a version for usb sticks


          Re: ftp login from Kubuntu 8.10 to Windows XP always fails

          Originally posted by stimpyjcat
          Originally posted by TastyHuman
          That's hard to test. Our IT department won't let us install another bootable OS, thus the need for VMWare. Actually, they don't want us to use VMWare either but there's only so much they can say to engineers who need to get a job done.
          you can use the live cd or a version for usb sticks
          The live cd is a good idea.

          The mystery deepens. I should have tried this before but even ping doesn't work. Kubuntu has two VMWare ethernet adapters mapped in, en0 is on the company network and works fine, en1 is connected to a small tabletop network through a small switch and this is the one that has trouble.

          The en1 net has two Windows XP nodes and one QNX embedded node, all assigned static IPs. Without VMWare/Kubuntu running all nodes can interact with each other correctly.

          With XP hosted VMWare/QNX running everything works fine as well.

          With XP hosted VMWare/Kubuntu ping to any other node fails and traceroute won't resolve so the problem is not just with ftp, it's with anything using en1.

          en1 uses NAT through VMWare to share the host NIC. Under windows the NIC has an IP of, but VMWare uses NAT to create a virtual connection between the physical en1 NIC and the virtual NIC in kubuntu. The kubuntu NIC is then assigned an IP of

          My guess is that NAT is the root of the problem, but I'm not sure why it would work with QNX and not Kubuntu since the VMWare settings are the same on QNX as Kubuntu.

          I'll try a 8.10 live CD to see how that works.


            Re: ftp login from Kubuntu 8.10 to Windows XP always fails

            I finally figured this out.

            It was a VMWare configuration issue that for unknown reasons didn't affect the VM when running QNX.

            When going into VMWares v6.x Virtual Network Editor

            (main screen, VM not running, Edit|Virtual Network Editor|Summary) it showed that the virtual connector VMnet2 had the same IP ip address as the windows host had, which is what was needed to be visible on the small desktop network.

            So changing the VMWare setting for the second NIC to Custom network mode using VMnet2 worked.

            I changed the title of this thread to be more accurate and marked it Solved.

