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Is there a button I can place on location toolbar in konquer to open side panel?

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    Is there a button I can place on location toolbar in konquer to open side panel?

    I am in 8.04. Subject says it all. Thanks.

    Re: Is there a button I can place on location toolbar in konquer to open side panel?

    The button is called "show navigation panel" (at least in KDE4, haven't used KDE3 in a while)

    There is also a keyboard shortcut for it, F9 by default (configurable)


      Re: Is there a button I can place on location toolbar in konquer to open side panel?

      Thanks for replying. The last post in
      suggests a button can be placed on location toolbar which when clicked brings up side panel. This way one wouldn't have to click on view and then "show navigation panel". I just don't know how to add button to location bar and where to get button. I like to work with mouse rather than hitting F9.


        Re: Is there a button I can place on location toolbar in konquer to open side panel?

        In Konq (KDE3) click:
        Move down the "Available Actions" list until you find "Show Navigation Panel".
        Select it then click ">" arrow to put icon on the LocationBar. Personally, I think that F9 is a lot easier than fumbling with a mouse, but then I'm getting kind of shaky.

        If you're talking KDE4, I'll have to start my other computer later and check to see if anything changed.


          Re: Is there a button I can place on location toolbar in konquer to open side panel?

          Originally posted by ahurd
          I just don't know how to add button to location bar and where to get button. I like to work with mouse rather than hitting F9.
          Understood...I thought I answered your question with 'The button is called "show navigation panel"', didn't realize you needed instructions to on how to add it to the toolbar, my mistake :P

          Follow askrieger's instructions


            Re: Is there a button I can place on location toolbar in konquer to open side panel?

            Followed instructions but button didn't show up on location bar even though it was there on right hand side in config screen. What now?


              Re: Is there a button I can place on location toolbar in konquer to open side panel?

              Are you using KDE3 or KDE4? That may make a difference. Both were available for 8.04 (Hardy Heron). My instructions were for KDE3.


                Re: Is there a button I can place on location toolbar in konquer to open side panel?

                How can I tell?


                  Re: Is there a button I can place on location toolbar in konquer to open side panel?

                  How can I tell?
                  I must admit that your question stunned me for a moment, because (to a long time Kubuntu user) the two are VERY different. However, if this is your first exposure, it's not so obvious.

                  I suppose the easiest way to tell is to look for the "cashews". In KDE4, you will see a little grey figure that looks something like an inverted comma (or a cashew nut) on the top right corner of the screen and at the right end of the bottom panel. If you hover your mouse over one of these, the grey will change to gold. If you click on the cashew, you will see a desktop or panel configuration menu. If you like to learn by making mistakes, you can explore the options, but as Benjamin Franklin wrote "Experience is a hard school, but a fool will learn in no other", or something like that.

                  There are no cashews in KDE 3. Instead, you go to the "system settings" application and change the look and feel of your desktop, there. The same caution applies.


                    Re: Is there a button I can place on location toolbar in konquer to open side panel?

                    Looks like I am on KDE3 so what has gone wrong?


                      Re: Is there a button I can place on location toolbar in konquer to open side panel?

                      I honestly don't know. It worked for me.


                        Re: Is there a button I can place on location toolbar in konquer to open side panel?

                        Sorry. The button was there.

