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Internal system error (?)

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    Internal system error (?)

    I'm not really sure where to post this:

    The update manager icon showed that there were 20 updates ready so i clicked it and it showed bug fixes. The files were something like libqt4 (or something, sorry, I didn't really try to remember) and then I clicked the APPLY button and it started downloading. I left the laptop for a while and when I came back there was this error message:

    Internal system error
    A problem that we were not expecting has occurred. Please report this bug with the error description. Details: The backend took too much time to process the synchronous request - you need to fork!
    Can someone please tell me what that means and what I should do? I'm attaching a snapshot of it in case i'm not being clear.

    I have kubuntu installed within vista home premium.
    Attached Files
    Kubuntu 9.04 installed within Windows Vista Home Premium. HP Compaq Presario V3304.

    Re: Internal system error (?)

    Not sure really, although you should get more info if you open a terminal and type

    Sudo apt-get update
    You will see the package list update then

    sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
    If everything is OK the packages will be downloaded and installed. If there is a problem, you will get an error message that is a bit more informative.




      Re: Internal system error (?)

      Ok, I'll try this. Thanks!
      Kubuntu 9.04 installed within Windows Vista Home Premium. HP Compaq Presario V3304.


        Re: Internal system error (?)

        thats a knowen bug in dosent afect apt-get on the comand line though.

        pepole are having beter luck with synaptic or adept .

        i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
        16GB RAM
        Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


          Re: Internal system error (?)

          Originally posted by vinnywright
          thats a knowen bug in dosent afect apt-get on the comand line though.

          pepole are having beter luck with synaptic or adept .

          Oh, ok. Good to know. Thanks!
          Kubuntu 9.04 installed within Windows Vista Home Premium. HP Compaq Presario V3304.


            Re: Internal system error (?)

            your welcome

            i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
            16GB RAM
            Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


              Solved Re: Internal system error (?)

              I have this problem and looking at my sources list there is an obvious error which I need to edit out. Trouble is I don't have Adept or Synaptic installed and this error won't let me install them.

              Can you tell me how to edit my source list from terminal?


                Re: Internal system error (?)

                Hilt alt+F2 for the run command.

                Type kdesudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list and in the resulting box type your password.

                The souces list file will be opened for editing. Obviously it will be best simply to comment out the offending line until you find a permanent fix



                  Re: Internal system error (?)

                  Great, back in business, thanks for your prompt response.

                  Just a quick one. My source list has a lot of lines commented out with ##. what does it mean when a line has a single # ?


                    Re: Internal system error (?)

                    Great stuff.

                    A single # comments out a line.

                    I suspect, although don't really know, that the ## entries are to comment out and to signify things that the system is not intended to act upon, for example the lines of explanatory text that you often see within files.

