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Running IE View Lite for Firefox in Hardy Heron

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    Running IE View Lite for Firefox in Hardy Heron


    I would like to get the Firefox extension IE View Lite working in Hardy Heron. (I have one website that I use that absolutely won't work in Firefox!) I read the instructions at, but they are greek to me. I don't know how to change them for Hardy, and I don't even know where to input the commands. I need step by step instructions. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    Thanks much,

    Re: Running IE View Lite for Firefox in Hardy Heron

    Personally, the impression that I got from the site that you referenced is that installing IE View in Linux is not for the faint of heart. It's like robber-baron Cornelius Vanderbilt answering a query about how much his yacht cost by saying "If you have to ask, you can't afford it.". It appears that the other recommended program "ies4linux" might be easier, but it's still not as easy as dual booting Linux and Windoze and using the real IE. Of course, you then have to reboot Linux as soon as possible to avoid getting overrun with malware while windoze (especially ie) is running.


      Re: Running IE View Lite for Firefox in Hardy Heron

      If you need IE, just install ies4linux. It is really easy and the IE works pretty well. And it is a better idea than running a windows firefox extension in the linux version of firefox - that will never work well.


        Re: Running IE View Lite for Firefox in Hardy Heron

        IE View Lite is a Linux extension, I use it on Linux. It's pretty handy if you answer questions about building sites and have to look at a site in that horrorbrowser IE 6. Just right-click in Firefox and the site opens in IE 6.
        What I did:
        Install ies4linux. You'll find instructions here:

        Install IE View Lite:
        Just out of the normal addons repository, no difficult instructions, just like every extension.

        I don't remember if I had to put the path to IE in by hand or if the extension found it automatically. If you have to do it by hand open Extra -> Add-ons in Firefox (maybe it's called different, I use a Dutch system).
        Open preferences of IE View Lite.
        Type in or browse to the path of IE. In my system the path is /home/peter/.ies4linux/bin/ie6

