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Installed Kubuntu on PC Son built and gave me, install seems fine, what next?

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    Re: Installed Kubuntu on PC Son built and gave me, install seems fine, what next?

    So if you don't mind me asking which one should I use? I know someone earlier up suggested I use 9.04 but someone then said right after that not to use it, to use 8.04 instead as it would be more conducive to a new user like me, due to the KDE 4 issue.
    I would recommend 8.04, then upgrade to 9.10 in october.

    Of course, you can try them both, either as a live CD or as an install. After all, it only takes a few minutes of manual work and 20 minutes of waiting to do an install, so if you are going to do a clean install anyway, it's easy to try them both.

    8.04 is more stable, has more features and generally is more solid with less quirks.
    9.04 looks better, but lacks some features, is a bit shaky and has some issues.


      Re: Installed Kubuntu on PC Son built and gave me, install seems fine, what next?


      Yeah, I went with the 9.04 to check out the newer version and then installed the Medibuntu packages from the page that Troberg sent me to. And I installed to the packages that enabled me to play Win media audio and video files also, but can't play mp3's and or MPEGs I think or FLV files as of yet and when I went to listen to the radio stations with Amorak 2 that it has to listen online with I get no sound.

      When I got to trying to play the mp3's and or Videos I think it was too, Amorak 2 said I needed to install some things to play them and then when I just fired this machine up Amorak gave me a message in the lower right of my screen to do the same thing, as in need to install some stuff to play certain files etc...

      Oh, someone asked about my RAM, it is 1GB, and will upgrade that eventually if able to as motherboard somewhat old.

      Haven't checked to see if I can play DVDs as of yet. Will do that after this post. Well just checked to see if would play DVD it said same as Amorak, need to install packages to play DVD.

      Oh, and I am online with this machine when need be now!

      Thank you!
      Honor Yourself with Truth and Fairness! Your Word is Your Bond! Give Your Word Power by Adhering to it!


        Re: Installed Kubuntu on PC Son built and gave me, install seems fine, what next?

        Because certain file formats are restricted eg are not meant to be run within linux in certain jurisdictions, support for them cannot be included by default.

        MP3 - IIRC Amarok, in telling you it needs some packages, is also offering to get them and install them for you? If so, simply accept and you should have MP3 support.

        DVD - to play commercial (ie encrypted) DVDs in Linux you need to have the package libdvdcss installed. If as you indicate you have enabled the medibuntu repository it will be available in your package manager.




          Re: Installed Kubuntu on PC Son built and gave me, install seems fine, what next?

          For enabling multimedia this link is very useful.

          For command line and mistyping there are 2 real helpful solutions. The first is "command completion". You start typing the command you and hit the TAB key. If what you have typed is unique it will put the rest of the command in for you. If it is not unique, hit the TAB again and it will show you the possibilities. This works for file and directory names as well. It saves me a lot of time and trouble.

          The second is command line history. When you run a command it is stored in your history. If you use the Up Arrow it will move back through the history. Or if you type Ctl-r and start typing the command it will search back through your history for what you are typing.

          Take a little time to try these and you will soon find hard to do without.


            Re: Installed Kubuntu on PC Son built and gave me, install seems fine, what next?


            Yes, I didn't see the extra icon in the task bar, I'll call it, to install the stuff needed to play all needed media files. So that issue is taken care of. Thank you again!

            I am going to have to get a Router for my PC and run this one Wireless off of that router. Is this possible with just a regular Router and a Wireless USB adapter etc... for this machine? Does it provide support for a Wireless Adapter?

            And, just so Mom (Grandma) will sleep better, I will need to install a Real-time scanning Antivirus Software on this machine. It would for the most part have to be free, or of very little in cost, as I am on a rather tight budget for this project and machine.

            Also I tried to access some websites like and the page won't fully load. Do I have to install programs like Flash Player and Java Script etc....?

            If anyone could point me in the correct direction for these three situations I would greatly appreciate it.

            I am pretty much sold on Kubuntu and Linux for the most part and what little I have seen and used, I really like it so far and it is rather easy to use, just getting used to the processes will be the only issue, haven't ever worked with a Linux based system before!

            Thank you all again!
            Honor Yourself with Truth and Fairness! Your Word is Your Bond! Give Your Word Power by Adhering to it!


              Re: Installed Kubuntu on PC Son built and gave me, install seems fine, what next?

              Originally posted by Fintan
              First off, welcome to the party

              Edit: by the way you DO NOT have to reboot after installing software.
              And a GRAND party it is! I've been partying for 11 years!

              I would add one exception to the rule about not having to reboot after installing software. IF an upgrade results in a new kernel being installed then you will be prompted to reboot after the upgrade is complete.
              "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
              – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                Re: Installed Kubuntu on PC Son built and gave me, install seems fine, what next?

                well glad you seam to be having good luck with your install.

                now that your up and runing do yourself a favor and get a good packeg manager.......dont get me rong Kpackegkit is well alright but bugey open a terminal and type in....

                sudo apt-get install synaptic
                it just works better.

                now as to the wirless I'm having good luck with a linksys extended range wirless PCI card (about $40 at wallmart) I'm not shure about USB adapters but I'm shure someone will have a sugjeshton. as far as the wireless routher is consernd eney should do. I'm using the chepest belkin that was on sail.

                anti virus is unnesesary as linux is imperveus to viruses.....but if you type anti-virus in synaptic's sertch window you will get some. and you can check files and mail atachments so you dont spred a virus to a windows box on your network.

                as far as flash and stuf for webpages....... you do nead to install them........I thout you had allredey don that.......Hummmmm

                hear do ALL the stuff for 9.04 jaunty read carfuly some of it is for uther ver. and the list is long I would sugjest reding it first and finding all for jaunty and then start doing the installs.



                after all that I never had anuthr prob with multymedea

                i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                16GB RAM
                Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


                  Re: Installed Kubuntu on PC Son built and gave me, install seems fine, what next?


                  Thank you Vinnywright, actually thank you all! I installed that Synaptic NICE! I got the Flash and Java also, actually it came with quite a bit, FireFox 3 etc... Cool, Synaptic says in I have some missing recommends in it, actually dealing mainly with Java and Fonts, do I just go with what Synaptic recommends and install them?

                  I also have on my machine an application for Weather reports for our local and National weather reports. So I put Weather in this hear Synaptic, as Mom would love to have an application like mine and what a ya know up popped several applications for just that in Synaptic. One I am leaning towards installing is KWeather is that compatible with my version of Kubuntu 9.04, as it says this;

                  "An applet for the KDE panel that displays your area's current weather.
                  Information shown includes the temperature, wind speed, air pressure
                  and more. By pressing a button a full weather report can be obtained.

                  KWeather also provides a weather service that can track multiple weather
                  stations and provide this information to other applications, including
                  Konqueror's sidebar and Kontact's summary page.

                  This package is part of the KDE 4 toys module.

                  Canonical does not provide updates for kweather. Some updates may be provided by the Ubuntu community."

                  Or does someone know of a better program or application to use for weather related info?

                  Now as far as the Wireless issue, I am going to go with whatever is cheaper but only if reliable. Now if I have to spend a little more then ok, but am going to have to buy router for sure, then whatever for this machine to get in online in Mom's room.

                  I will be keeping you all updated as we go on in this build and project, I am really excited, impressed and am digging this here Kubuntu more and more every day and night! Might just redo my whole system! 8)

                  Thanks again and glad we could join in on the PARTY!
                  Honor Yourself with Truth and Fairness! Your Word is Your Bond! Give Your Word Power by Adhering to it!


                    Re: Installed Kubuntu on PC Son built and gave me, install seems fine, what next?

                    COOL 8)

                    if synaptic recomend's somthing TAKE it.

                    eneything you find in synaptic IS for your system as long as your repos. are for your system (and thay should be and probley are) SO eneything you find in synaptic that you like the looks of go ahead and try.

                    if it neads other things to work (like lib's and the sutch) it will sugjest them and you shuld clike ok get them all and it will.

                    if it wasent what you thought then go back to synaptic and remove it.......

                    I just sugjested linsys PCI card becose I know it works.... :P ....and it's cheep I nead that to

                    have fun

                    i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                    16GB RAM
                    Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


                      Re: Installed Kubuntu on PC Son built and gave me, install seems fine, what next


                      Well, I supposedly installed "Kweather" and it did nothing, can't find it anywhere. Then after that I installed "weather-util" and the same situation there, can't find it anywhere either. Don't know if I need to activate it some how, or have to run it or what but I do know I can't find them.f

                      That widget LCD Weather just doesn't cut it for what I want or need as it has the temperature in Celsius not Fahrenheits and don't want to have to do calculations every time I want to know the temp. Sure do like them Widgets though.

                      And don't really want to go through all of that with the Antivirus etc... that I want to put on it. I opened up Synaptic and found some different apps for this area too, but am kind of gun shy now as in installing them and nothing happening, not finding them anywhere and or not knowing how to run them or activate them, just wasting space on the machine if I can't figure out how to use them.

                      Can you help me in these areas also?

                      Haven't even really had a chance yet to put everything through a run. As in all the features etc...

                      Thank you again!
                      Honor Yourself with Truth and Fairness! Your Word is Your Bond! Give Your Word Power by Adhering to it!


                        Re: Installed Kubuntu on PC Son built and gave me, install seems fine, what next?

                        Kweather is a very nice weather applet that was for KDE 3.5 and has not been usable since KDE 4. That is really too bad because it was much nicer than any of the current crop I have found. LCD weather does allow you to chose F/C and wind speed units in its configuration though.

                        Removing packages is just as easy as installing them so if you try something and don't like it, just remove it.

                        Antivirus is really a waste of time and effort, not to mention computer cycles, on linux.


                          Re: Installed Kubuntu on PC Son built and gave me, install seems fine, what next?

                          There are a number of weather applets (widgets) available for Kubuntu 9-04. Personally, I use "weather forecast" for Kubuntu 9-04. If you're using 9-04, you get it by right-clicking on your desktop, left-clicking on "Add Widgets" and then running down the list of available widgets.


                            Re: Installed Kubuntu on PC Son built and gave me, install seems fine, what next?

                            first off let me start by saying welcome.

                            you can use the applets in your panel or on your desktop by following this
                            Originally posted by askrieger
                            There are a number of weather applets (widgets) available for Kubuntu 9-04. Personally, I use "weather forecast" for Kubuntu 9-04. If you're using 9-04, you get it by right-clicking on your desktop, left-clicking on "Add Widgets" and then running down the list of available widgets.
                            sometimes you will be prompted by synaptic to install other packages aside from one you trying to install for now untill you get used to the package names and there content you should just do what synaptic asks of you.

                            for video playback the hands down best player (imho) is VLC you can get it w/ synaptic , there is also a vlc-mozilla-plugin for handling video on web pages.

                            you mom's issues of needing a Real Time Anti Virus is gonna be a hard one to fill most anti-viruses for linux do not do real time scans (but do support a schedualed job), or only scan on mai(mostly to get windows viruses striped off emails for other computers that do run windows), you will just have to explaine that kubuntu is not going to get windows viruses . if you must have an antivirus i would use clam-av. for its over all goodness.

                            Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
                            (top of thread: thread tools)


                              Re: Installed Kubuntu on PC Son built and gave me, install seems fine, what next?


                              I installed clam-av but couldn't figure out how to run it and or execute it, then when I was messing with the terminal I typed "Clam" hit the tab key and it said this "Clamscan". So I hit enter and it did a Clamscan . Well it found nothing, but it scanned one directory, eleven files, and 19MBs of data.

                              I don't have more data, files and directories on this machine? On top of that I don't know what all that program will do or won't do or how to run it and or all of its features.

                              Another issue is this weather app situation, I tried Kweather, not for my build, ok, I tried Weather-Util, nothing out of that, Then I installed some weather widget, which would be fine but the place here in my town that it gets its info from has a long name to it and covers up the temp reading on it so that is not really any good. I installed some type of php weather and it installed all this PhP stuff and couldn't figure out how to run it, so uninstalled it.

                              As far as the VLC will eventually install it but waiting as this here Dragon Player works very well itself.

                              Can anyone give me specifics as in how to use that Clam-av and a weather app that works. Actually I am very thrilled so far with Kubuntu and am going to recommend it every chance I get.

                              Thank you all for your help!
                              Honor Yourself with Truth and Fairness! Your Word is Your Bond! Give Your Word Power by Adhering to it!


                                Re: Installed Kubuntu on PC Son built and gave me, install seems fine, what next?

                                For weather apps I am in the same boat. I have mostly settled for LCD Weather Station. There is a Google Gadget that you might like. You can find it with
                                apt-cache search google | grep gadget
                                Then run Google Gadgets and start the weather app.

