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Installed Kubuntu on PC Son built and gave me, install seems fine, what next?

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    Re: Installed Kubuntu on PC Son built and gave me, install seems fine, what next?

    you might have to change the card that wicd is looking, you can do this in the main wicd window its under prefrences or settings. by default its wlan0 (my laptop uses ath0 so i had to change it before wicd would work) sorry my tizzy is a bit on the broken side right (hardware ) now for me to help w/ an exact name for the settings and etc. since i only use it on that machine.
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      Re: Installed Kubuntu on PC Son built and gave me, install seems fine, what next?

      I think you had a wired network and are now adding wireless? The wired network would have been configured in /etc/network/interfaces by default. After installing wicd you want to comment that and then run wicd. It is important that network-manager was removed when wicd was installed also. These both will result in too many pieces of software trying to run the network and probably none will work. You should edit /etc/network/interfaces as root and comment (# at beginning of line) anything that refers to eth0 or wlan0. When you are done the only uncommented lines should be
      auto lo
      iface lo inet loopback
      and those must be there.

      Then run
      dpkg -l | grep network-manager
      This will list the packages installed on your system that contain network-manager. There should be none. If you see network-manager or network-manager-kde remove them.

      Now your system should be ready to have wicd control both wireless and wired network interfaces. Depending on what your situation was before you can probably run
      sudo invoke-rc.d network stop
      sudo invoke-rc.d network start
      and then start wicd again. If wicd still doesn't work you should look for left over network-manager processes by running
      ps axf | grep network
      If any exist you should probably reboot and get a clean start.


        Re: Installed Kubuntu on PC Son built and gave me, install seems fine, what next

        Hi jamminjay09. Hope you get your wireless working.

        This whole thread is jam packed with some of the finest newbie-helping-awesomeness I've ever seen in a Linux forum. It's a great example of why I like Kubuntuforums, and what a great community of users we have here. I nominate it for the Newbie Helping Thread of the Year award, if there is such a thing.

        Sorry for being a bit off topic.
        Welcome newbies!
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          Re: Installed Kubuntu on PC Son built and gave me, install seems fine, what next?

          Originally posted by mando_hacker
          These both will result in too many pieces of software trying to run the network and probably none will work. ...
          Interestingly, I can plug my eth cable into my eth port and still start Network-Manager. Both connections work fine. If I do it the other way around they still both work. Haven't tried it with wicd yet.
          "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
          – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


            Re: Installed Kubuntu on PC Son built and gave me, install seems fine, what next?

            GreyGeek: My use of probably was intentional. You seem to be saying that you are using ifupdown (/etc/network/interfaces) to configure wireless and ethernet, but did not have ethernet plugged in. You then plugged in the ethernet and ran ifup eth0 so you have both eth0 and wlan0 running from ifupdown. You then started network-manager and you still have both interfaces working? All this without wicd running. That is really not too surprising because network-manager is designed to work exactly like this if your config file (/etc/Network-Manager/nm-...) leaves interfaces in /etc/network/interfaces unmanaged. Unfortunately it often seems to disregard that direction.

            There is also the question of whether eth0 and wlan0 are in the same subnet, whether you have assigned metrics, and how long this will continue to operate trouble free.

            There are many variables in this whole situation of ifupdown/network-manager/wicd that seem to show inconsistent behavior. Since we are talking computers though, that just means that there are variables I have not entirely isolated, like different hardware. I hope we reach a situation in which things work a lot better long before I really get the whole thing figured out.


              Re: Installed Kubuntu on PC Son built and gave me, install seems fine, what next?

              Originally posted by mando_hacker

              There is also the question of whether eth0 and wlan0 are in the same subnet, whether you have assigned metrics, and how long this will continue to operate trouble free.

              There are many variables in this whole situation of ifupdown/network-manager/wicd that seem to show inconsistent behavior. Since we are talking computers though, that just means that there are variables I have not entirely isolated, like different hardware. I hope we reach a situation in which things work a lot better long before I really get the whole thing figured out.
              I do not have wicd installed.

              My lapotop is set to load my wireless in automatically (Network-Manager). I can plug in a cat5 cable and my eth port will connect automatically. While browsing I can pull the cat5 out and browsing continues on the wireless without interruption. There is a button on my laptop to shut off the wireless. If I push it the wireless light goes out but browsing continues transparently on the eth port. GKrellM shows activity on both when both are connected.

              Ifconfig shows that dhcp has issued a lease to both the cat5 connection and the wireless. My dhchp is limited to - 105.
              "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
              – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                Re: Installed Kubuntu on PC Son built and gave me, install seems fine, what next


                I have been gone for awhile, been real busy at work. I am now having some problems.

                Everything was going fine then some suspicious activity started happening on my main machine running WinXP, that has the router setup on it. I think I have caught a virus, actually I am pretty sure of it. I am on that machine running in safe mode to download somethings and run some online scans and post this.

                Well, everything was still fine with the machine I have the Jaunty Jackal ope on and wireless was running great, everyone here said don't have to worry about virus's with it, so I left it up and running and shut this one down as to have a machine running on the internet for mom while I re-formatted this machine and reinstalled WinXP.

                Well, I left it running, the machine with Kubuntu, while I went to work, everything fine, then when I got home all access to the wireless was down, not working at all not even picked up in Wicd. So I started looking around and couldn't see anything as to why it wouldn't. Pulled Wicd up and re-set the preferences to automatic and it found the wireless router said it was connected for a little while but my browsers would not load any pages.

                I then tried a couple of things posted in this thread like,

                auto lo
                iface lo inet loopback

                don't know if it did anything, then I tried to run this here

                dpkg -l | grep network-manager

                but couldn't figure out how to place that line in that command

                then I tried to run these two commands

                sudo invoke-rc.d network stop
                sudo invoke-rc.d network start

                and don't know if they did anything, don't think so, if they did, it was the stop one as after that it wouldn't even connect for a little while.

                I haven't even messed with this one

                ps axf | grep network

                So, now here I am needing that machine to work so as to have internet capabilities. I can just run it straight to internet off of ethernet cable, but then again what about the virus if it is and can I catch it running the Jaunty. I was reading about not needing a Firewall with Kubuntu but something about permissions etc... too. Didn't quite understand all that or understood just not familiar with it and don't know if I have all that situation taken care of either.

                So if I put it online straight ethernet cable for now, of which I would rather have the wireless situation fixed, then am I vulnerable if anything has my IP pinpointed and trying to constantly access my machines. I will try to change my IP address also reset modem etc...

                Well, this is rather long and I apologize but I am in need of some intense help here if anyone can assist as I would hate to have to re-format and re-install Operating systems on both machines. >

                Thanks to all of you again.
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                  Re: Installed Kubuntu on PC Son built and gave me, install seems fine, what next?

                  When ever your wireless connects, you can ping IP address but cannot pick domain names or use a browser the main cause is failure to create /etc/resolv.conf, in which the DNS IP addresses should be installed when dhcp gives your workstation a lease.

                  Mine looks like this:
                  jerry@jerry-sonylaptop:~$ cat /etc/resolv.conf
                  # Generated by NetworkManager
                  "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                  – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                    Re: Installed Kubuntu on PC Son built and gave me, install seems fine, what next?

                    It is likely that wicd is creating your /etc/resolv.conf file after it connects. I would suggest that behavior like this should not cause you to change things that were working. It is fairly common for DSL/Cable modems to get confused and cause strange behavior in the internal network. Power cycling the modem is often helpful, especially if you see problems on 2 computers.

                    If the modem starts to do this too frequently you might need a new one. Even with Windows it does not pay to jump to the conclusion of virus infected because you do not understand what is happening, and certainly with Linux you should never jump to that conclusion. You do not have a virus on your linux computer.


                      Re: Installed Kubuntu on PC Son built and gave me, install seems fine, what next?


                      I don't know what happened but I booted this here machine running Kubuntu and pulled up wicd and it picked up my router and I hit connect and here I am. As far as the other machine I have ran several scans with my antivirus and antispyware and have done and scan with Kaspersky online scan and it only found an Adware non virus AOL left behind on it.

                      About acquiring a virus on this machine running Kubuntu, didn't mean to insinuate anything as to it being possible to acquire a virus if it is not, but I have never worked with this operating system before and don't know the ins and outs as far as security or most aspects of it for that matter.

                      But wireless is up and running and all is working fine. I really didn't understand some of what you all were talking about concerning networks etc... Haven't worked to much with them, wireless too.

                      Thank you all for your help.
                      Honor Yourself with Truth and Fairness! Your Word is Your Bond! Give Your Word Power by Adhering to it!


                        Re: Installed Kubuntu on PC Son built and gave me, install seems fine, what next

                        Originally posted by jamminjay09
                        About acquiring a virus on this machine running Kubuntu, didn't mean to insinuate anything as to it being possible to acquire a virus if it is not, but I have never worked with this operating system before and don't know the ins and outs as far as security or most aspects of it for that matter.
                        Ubuntu Security - Ubuntu Forums is worth reading to get an overview of security options.
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                          Re: Installed Kubuntu on PC Son built and gave me, install seems fine, what next?

                          Originally posted by jamminjay09

                          I don't know what happened but I booted this here machine running Kubuntu and pulled up wicd and it picked up my router and I hit connect and here I am. As far as the other machine I have ran several scans with my antivirus and antispyware and have done and scan with Kaspersky online scan and it only found an Adware non virus AOL left behind on it.

                          About acquiring a virus on this machine running Kubuntu, didn't mean to insinuate anything as to it being possible to acquire a virus if it is not, but I have never worked with this operating system before and don't know the ins and outs as far as security or most aspects of it for that matter.

                          But wireless is up and running and all is working fine. I really didn't understand some of what you all were talking about concerning networks etc... Haven't worked to much with them, wireless too.

                          Thank you all for your help.

                          It is virtually impossible for you to get a virus in Linux because, to make any changes to your computer, you will be prompted for the root password (i.e. the password you use when you log in to your account).

                          In other words, most of the sources of viruses that you will encounter, e.g. hostile websites, will not have access to your password and therefore will not have access to your computer. So unless you specifically allow that website to install its virus onto your computer, you'll be fine.

                          Ditto for e-mail attachments. If you open an attached virus, even if it's in a .deb package, you'll be prompted for permission to install it. And then you can just refuse the permission and go about your business safely.

                          Hope this helps a little bit.

                          Don't worry about viruses on Linux much. I take no precautions except to surf safely.


                            Re: Installed Kubuntu on PC Son built and gave me, install seems fine, what next?

                            Originally posted by The Liquidator
                            Because certain file formats are restricted eg are not meant to be run within linux in certain jurisdictions, support for them cannot be included by default.

                            MP3 - IIRC Amarok, in telling you it needs some packages, is also offering to get them and install them for you? If so, simply accept and you should have MP3 support.

                            DVD - to play commercial (ie encrypted) DVDs in Linux you need to have the package libdvdcss installed. If as you indicate you have enabled the medibuntu repository it will be available in your package manager.


                            I installed all of the audio codecs etc... that I thought was needed to play whatever audio I needed but now when I put an Audio CD in the Cdrom it only gives me the choices of ripping it or opening it up. When I open it up and try to play the files on it they don't play in Amorak. The only way to play the Audio CDs as of now are to rip them to a folder, then play them.

                            Is there a way to or something I need to install to just place an Audio CD in the CDrom and play it from there without having to rip it to a folder as that will eventually take up to much space.

                            Thank you and all else is going great as of now.
                            Honor Yourself with Truth and Fairness! Your Word is Your Bond! Give Your Word Power by Adhering to it!


                              Re: Installed Kubuntu on PC Son built and gave me, install seems fine, what next?

                              dont remember if you were given this or not...............this is a reley long thred.


                              read carfuley first then add away...........all you want for 9.04JJ and hardy+

                              i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                              16GB RAM
                              Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


                                Re: Installed Kubuntu on PC Son built and gave me, install seems fine, what next?


                                Yes, this thread is quite long. Should I start posting these issues somewhere else? As this machine still won't, just straight out play an audio CD from the Cdrom, and I have installed everything that I believe to be pertinent to the situation.

                                If I need to post in another section let me know but would love some help as to being able to play audio straight from the Cdrom, as mom won't like not being able to do that.

                                Thank you again.
                                Honor Yourself with Truth and Fairness! Your Word is Your Bond! Give Your Word Power by Adhering to it!

