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Installed Kubuntu on PC Son built and gave me, install seems fine, what next?

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    Installed Kubuntu on PC Son built and gave me, install seems fine, what next?


    I am knew to the Forum and totally new to Kubuntu, Ubuntu and Linux over-all and am in need of a great deal of help!

    I just recently installed Kubuntu on a PC I was given that was built by my son a few years ago, as WindowsXP Professional was on it and I didn't have install CD for it and or proof of purchase for that OS. Well, his mother had been using it online without any Antivirus, AntiSpyware and or Firewall so never the less it had all sorts of infections on it.

    I went and formatted the hard-drive and reinstalled WindowsXP from an install CD a friend of mine had and used the product key some software told me was the key and it wouldn't work.

    I called Microsoft and they told me more or less I was out of luck as I had reformatted the drive and had no proof of purchase and or install CD or product key and they were not going to send or provide me with any of it to reinstall WindowsXp.

    So here I am, I installed Kubuntu 7.10 on it, the install went perfect as far as I can tell and actually I like the look and feel of Kubuntu right off the bat but don't know anything about it Ubuntu and or Linux.

    I need help in all aspects of using this OS and making it safe to put online as this PC is going to be my son's Grandma's, my mom's now. Her and all of the Grandchildren will be on it online etc... and I want it safe and as easy to use as possible.

    I need first and foremost to configure the or a Firewall on it and can't find it anywhere. I need to install some Antivirus and or AntiSpyware on it too.

    I need to be able to play all sorts of Video files on it, Flv, MPEG, etc... All types of music files are going to need to be played on it.

    The main thing right now though is making it as safe as can be so I can get it online and really begin to work with it that way.

    If anyone can help me, and or is willing to help me I will greatly appreciate it. I will need to go through this step by step and really need to know what all is needed to be done upon first installation.

    Thank you!
    Honor Yourself with Truth and Fairness! Your Word is Your Bond! Give Your Word Power by Adhering to it!

    Re: Installed Kubuntu on PC Son built and gave me, install seems fine, what next?

    First of all, firewalls and virus protection is not a big issue on Linux, as it is much, much safer out of the box. No need to panic about that.

    Second, I'd suggest adding the medibuntu repository (quick guide here: ) and then install the following packages:

    * libdvdcss2 (DVD playback)
    * w32codecs (media file format support)
    * VLC (my preferred media player, plays most files, including most broken files)

    You might also, depending on what you are going to use the computer for, want to install:

    * GIMP (image manipulation)
    * Krita (another image manipulation, less features, simpler to use)
    * Inkscape (vector based drawing)
    * Scribus (layout)
    * AbiWord (word processor, some prefer it to's word processor)


      Re: Installed Kubuntu on PC Son built and gave me, install seems fine, what next?

      First off, welcome to the party

      I concur with Troberg.

      Viruses, trojans, etc are not really an issue with linux.
      Of course you can install them if it lets you sleep better.
      There plenty of how-to's here and elsewhere that cover that.

      What I would suggest doing first is this:
      have alook here:
      it is very extensive but worth a read.
      then add new users for every one using the computer.
      You can find that here:
      scroll up a bit to find out how to get into user administration.

      Since you installed kubuntu you have the super user (administrator) permissions. This means that only you can install software. Keep it that way.

      Now I would suggest you get easy with installing software. It is quite simple (lots easier than windows) but a bit of a read will help:

      This is for ubuntu but it applies to kubuntu as well. Also I strongly suggest using the synaptic package manager mentioned it that article. Adept (the kubuntu package manager / application installer is not very... adept).

      You can do this by doing the following:
      Open a terminal by going here:
      Now copy and paste this:
      sudo apt-get install synaptic
      into the terminal.
      You will be asked for your password. Use the one you gave during installation. You will not any see any charachters while typing, this default and a security measure. Press enter and let the terminal install.

      When the installation is complete go to kmenu->system->synaptic (package manager). you may be prompted for your password again.
      Use it as described in the above guide.

      Now you can do what troberg suggested as well and get medibuntu:

      This will give all the extra multimedia stuff you will need.

      Use synaptic to install any software you want.

      I hope this helps and enjoy your freedom

      Edit: by the way you DO NOT have to reboot after installing software.
      HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
      4 GB Ram
      Kubuntu 18.10


        Re: Installed Kubuntu on PC Son built and gave me, install seems fine, what next?

        I may sound like a noob but isn't it generally also better to install the 8.10 or 9.04 version of Kubuntu granted you can update it but why waste time on updates when you can just download the 8.1/9.04 and have better driver support out of the box (not to mention all the updated software). but then again i've only been using linux for a year or so.


          Re: Installed Kubuntu on PC Son built and gave me, install seems fine, what next?

          isn't it generally also better to install the 8.10 or 9.04 version of Kubuntu
          NO !!!
          Personally, I would have gone with Hardy Heron (Kubuntu 8.04). I actually still use it on one computer. This was the last version to use KDE-3.

          Kubuntu 8.10 used an early version of KDE-4 which even the KDE developers conceded was not ready for general use. Kubuntu 9.04 is MUCH more stable, but even here there appear to be issues with some hardware that would be unpleasant for a newcomer to Linux.


            Re: Installed Kubuntu on PC Son built and gave me, install seems fine, what next?

            What you're saying does make much sense however prior to 8.10 it was really hard for me to use the drivers for my wireless and the ndswrapper didn't want to work either, so i had stuck with windows mostly but with the newest kubuntu release i found myself with a little bit easier setup and use of features, granted i started on Ubuntu and then made a switch to Kubuntu only recently so i'm not 100% sure on this. But driver support seems to improve with the later versions, and latest drivers are usually the problem for new comers such as myself. Anyways i don't wish to fight someone over this i'm just talking from personal experience which i'm sure won't be the same for everyone.


              Re: Installed Kubuntu on PC Son built and gave me, install seems fine, what next?

              This is getting confusing.

              Thank you for the input but imho jammin is asking a different question
              lets keep it clean.

              @jamminjay09 can you post your machine specs (cpu, ram, video card, etc.) and I am sure that we can help, above an beyond what has been written above.
              HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
              4 GB Ram
              Kubuntu 18.10


                Re: Installed Kubuntu on PC Son built and gave me, install seems fine, what next


                Ok, first I am a working man so you will have to bear with me in the somewhat slowness of my replies, please.

                I have read all of the above replies and some of what and where they have directed me to and yes I think if I posted some of the specs for this PC it would be better as to what and where I could be directed as to what I need for it.

                And please remember that this PC was put together by my son years ago so not all that to start with, can and will upgrade if need be as in RAM, need to get and DVD Burner for it and maybe a new Vid card and whatever else can get for it.

                As to what Everest for Windows stated and now Kubuntu is stating;

                CPU is an AMD Athlon XP 1833MHz (11x167) 2500+ according to EVEREST

                It is AMD Athlon(tm) XP 2500+ running at 1836.208 according to Kubuntu

                Mother Board is a GA-7VT6000 1394 (5 PCI 1 AGP, 3DDR DIMM, Audio, LAN, IEEE-1394 according to Everest
                Cant find reference to MB in Kubuntu

                Video card or Video Adapter is a RADEON 9600 Series (128MB) and it had this and a secondary listed also in Everest

                Its an VGA compatible controller; ATI Technologies Inc RV350 AR [Radeon 9600] (prog-if 00 [VGA]) Subsystem: ATI Tech. INC Radeon 9600XT
                ATI Technologies Inc RV350 AR [Radeon 9600] (Secondary) Subsystem: ATI Tech. INC Radeon 9600XT (Secondary) according to Kubuntu.

                Audio Adapter is a VIA AC'97 Enhanced Audio Controller according to Everest

                In Kubuntu for sound card it has
                Sound Driver:3.8la-980706 (ALSA v1.0.14 emulation code)
                Installed drivers:
                Type 10: ALSA emulation
                Card config;
                VIA 8237 with ALC655 at 0xe000, irq 20
                Audio devices:
                0: VIA 8237 (DUPLEX)
                Synth devices: NOT ENABLED IN CONFIG
                Midi devices: NOT ENABLED IN CONFIG
                31: system timer
                0: Realtek ALC655 rev 0

                For storage Media in Kubuntu it says it only has "38G media". Must be a 40Gb HD, I think thats correct as to what Everest was saying also.

                Like I said I can upgrade whatever I need or want to as long as its compatible with the Mother Board setup. And will do all that is needed to make this work, as I stated in original post it will need to edit Documents (compatible with Windows Word if at all possible), play music, have decent Video, play DVD's and with upgrade Burn them, I will also need to be able to come up with educational programs and games for children etc... on this machine.

                And should I upgrade to the "Hardy Heron" (Kubuntu 8.04)?

                That is all I can give you for right now I can give all of the other details in increments, ehternetl, ide, bus, etc... as I have to go for now.

                Thank you for the very quick responses!
                Honor Yourself with Truth and Fairness! Your Word is Your Bond! Give Your Word Power by Adhering to it!


                  Re: Installed Kubuntu on PC Son built and gave me, install seems fine, what next?

                  I don't think that you'll have to upgrade any of your hardware. Linux demands less from your hardware than Vista(tm). Your system should run smoothly with Kubuntu. The only reservation I might have would be with regard to "eye-candy" visual effects, but even many of those might work well.

                  In terms of the software you need, I suggest:
                  Upgrade to Hardy: My personal favorite Kubuntu release. It's the last one with KDE3. But be prepared to upgrade to a KDE4 version like Karmic at a later date.
                  Edit documents: Both Open Office and Koffice can read Word(tm) files. I know that Open Office writer can write files that Word(tm) can read.
                  Play Music: Amarok is GREAT. I am listening to an internet broadcast of a Beethoven piano concerto as I write this and I also have an extensive collection of mp3 files of popular music from the 50s and 60s of the last century. Amarok handles them better than 45 disks did.
                  Video: There are a number of applications that will play virtually all digital video formats, including DVDs.
                  Educational games: As a doting grandfather, I can attest that the edubuntu collections go over well with both pre-schoolers and elementary scholars. I won't know about higher levels for a few years.

                  I think you will find Kubuntu both usable and enjoyable. Welcome and Good Luck


                    Re: Installed Kubuntu on PC Son built and gave me, install seems fine, what next?

                    As for Hardy (KDE3) vs Jaunty (KDE4), I'll say this:

                    I've been a strong opponent for the early inclusion of KDE4 in Kubuntu, as I don't consider it ready yet. I've recently tried Jaunty, though, and, though I wouldn't recommend it for a newbie, I'm no confident that Karmic will have a KDE4 that will be usable and close enough to KDE3 to make it worh the switch. Jaunty is decent, but still has unnecessary rough edges and surprisingly missing features.

                    In other words, my recommendation is still Hardy, but to upgrade to Karmic when it arrives.


                      Re: Installed Kubuntu on PC Son built and gave me, install seems fine, what next


                      I have finally acquired some time to respond to everyone here. I first want to thank everyone for all of the advice and suggestions.

                      I have made the decision to upgrade to Hardy but don't know where to get the download to install. I went to one site and it had all these downloads that were for different compatible versions of Hardy depending on what CPU you are running. Well mine is a AMD Athlon(tm) XP 2500+ running at 1836.208 or so it would seem.

                      Does anyone know where I can get a download of Hardy or an installation disc mailed out etc...?

                      And I don't know really what I am doing with Kubuntu I guess as I tried to play some MP3s and other Audio files with it and said not able to do that, then asked me if I wanted to install something to do that, said yes, had to restart and tried to play audio files again to no avail.

                      Is it that Medibuntu issue that Troberg is talking about. I read some on installing packages etc... Is there an Hardy package to install that way? And about that Medibuntu it has these
                      * dapper
                      * hardy
                      * intrepid
                      * jaunty
                      * karmic

                      Then the installs Troberg is talking about within those sections. Which one do I go into to install the stuff Troberg is talking about.

                      I can see I am going to need quite a bit of help. And I will put the machine in question online and start everything.

                      But first can anyone point me in the correct direction as far as a download for the Hardy?

                      Thank you very much!

                      Honor Yourself with Truth and Fairness! Your Word is Your Bond! Give Your Word Power by Adhering to it!


                        Re: Installed Kubuntu on PC Son built and gave me, install seems fine, what next?

                        Hardy can be found here:

                        You'll want the hardy medibuntu repository, then just search for the packages in the package manager.


                          Re: Installed Kubuntu on PC Son built and gave me, install seems fine, what next


                          Ok, I have downloaded the ISO's for both the 8.04 and the 9.04 Hardy for the standard personal computer.

                          So if you don't mind me asking which one should I use? I know someone earlier up suggested I use 9.04 but someone then said right after that not to use it, to use 8.04 instead as it would be more conducive to a new user like me, due to the KDE 4 issue.

                          Thank you again!
                          Honor Yourself with Truth and Fairness! Your Word is Your Bond! Give Your Word Power by Adhering to it!


                            Re: Installed Kubuntu on PC Son built and gave me, install seems fine, what next?

                            Linux is choice.

                            I love kde4.x but others like their kde3.x.

                            Try out the live cd's and find out which you feel more comfortable with.

                            Having said that kde4.2.x (juanty / 9.04) has brought a lot of new features which will continue
                            in 9.10.

                            Kde4.3 has already gone beyond kde4.2.x.
                            So yes, you decide.
                            INMHO kde4.2.x is very stable for everyday needs.
                            depending on your cpu, ram and video card
                            for more on this refer to this forum.

                            Edit my "eycandy" works fine for normal stuff. As soon as I start opening up FF, Kontact, OOO, gimp, kino, etc alongside vmware windows xp runnig PS then I have a slight problem and turn off "effects".
                            HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
                            4 GB Ram
                            Kubuntu 18.10


                              Re: Installed Kubuntu on PC Son built and gave me, install seems fine, what next

                              Originally posted by jamminjay09

                              Ok, I have downloaded the ISO's for both the 8.04 and the 9.04 Hardy for the standard personal computer.

                              So if you don't mind me asking which one should I use? I know someone earlier up suggested I use 9.04 but someone then said right after that not to use it, to use 8.04 instead as it would be more conducive to a new user like me, due to the KDE 4 issue.

                              Thank you again!

                              hay thare gramps.......LOL......... I to am a hard working gradpaw with a bunch of kid's grandkid's neses and nephews playing with my computer constentley.

                              I'm allso a 47 year old with a 9th grade education and cant spell so bare with me. (this makes the comand line hard for me as 1 rong letter or space or even . and your comand dosent I manage.)

                              like Fintan sead Linux is play with both livecd's and see witch you like beter.

                              but ....I......mite stay with 8.04 can allwase do a upgrade distrobution with your packeg manager later.....I did and all my setings stayed thrugh it.......but then some seam to have had trouble doing that.

                              2 thing's I notesed from your original post.

                              1- I dident see how mutch phisicall RAM you have........I'm runing on 383Mib...thats low and I woldent rcomend mutch less but I do have a box runing on 128Mib.... the more the better.

                              2-you probably would want to add anuther hard drive the 40-38Gig you have will probebley fill up prity quick with the kid's DLing mp3's and .avi's all the time ---- or have them keep there /home/dir's cleand out by burning off thare stuff and then deleting
                              you can install it later and the OS will pick it up fine and you can then mount all the /home directory's thare to keep the drive that kubunto is instaled to free'er ......(looke for install guides and disk partitioning sceems.) make shure you have made a linux swap partition.

                              DO- do the medeabuntu stuff hear after install.......

                              that is if you want the kid's to be happy

                              and get the synaptic packegmanager it just work's better. 8)

                              O and yes is fulley MSoffice compatable

                              Keep asking and you'll keep geting all the opinuns you can handel...........LOL

                              i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                              16GB RAM
                              Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores

