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Question about soundconverter

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    Question about soundconverter

    Hi, I've done a forum search both here and at,

    and I seem to be having a problem with soundconverter, I am trying to convert my wma's to ogg or flac (I don't which one I like better yet so I was going to convert a file to both and see which one sounds better)

    The problem I seem to be having is once I have the file in soundconverter and click th convert tag the conversion process seems to hang, it creates a trackname.ogg file in my music folder but there seems to be no data in the created file.. I do have kubuntu restricted extras installed, could this be a drm issue since the majority of my music files were ripped from CD in Windows Vista (when I still used it)?

    Thanks and any and all help is very much appreciated... (plus I'm sorry if this has been asked before, I just couldn't find a thread on my specific problem)

    Re: Question about soundconverter

    Oh and I am using jaunty.


      Re: Question about soundconverter

      Ok, just a little more info... as I type this right now, I am successfully converting all of my downloaded MP3's to ogg...

      So it must be a DRM issue with the WMA's correct?


        Re: Question about soundconverter

        OK... I think I am going to forget about converting and just re-rip my CD's and rip them to ogg or flac....

        It would probably be easier and take less time...


          Re: Question about soundconverter

          Do you have w32codecs (or w64codecs, if a 64-bit system) installed?
          Not sure whether they are in medibuntu or multiverse.
          We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking

