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Help-establishing internet connection in Kubuntu 9.04

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    Help-establishing internet connection in Kubuntu 9.04

    Hi all,
    I'm a complete newbie to Linux and just switched over from windows 2 weeks ago. Earlier i was using Kubuntu 8.10 and upgraded to 9.04 2 days ago. In kubuntu 8.10 I connected to the net using the pon dsl-provider command on Konsole. It worked fine.

    However in 9.0.4, every time i boot the computer, i need to once again configure the connection using the pppoeconf command and then establish the connection, unlike in 8.10 where i did it only once.
    During a session, if i disconnect (using poff) and connect again using pon dsl-provider, the connection gets established
    and works fine. But if I restart the system, i need to go through pppoeconf again.
    Please help me out
    My networking knowledge isn't that good and I've been following all the procedures and commands mechanically. Sure I'm making efforts to know more about operating Linux. If someone could provide a step by step procedure, i'd be grateful to him/her. I use a broadband connection by the way..


    Re: Help-establishing internet connection in Kubuntu 9.04

    Your system is a little different than any I have experience with, but from what I have seen on this forum I think I can help you. I think that your computer is connected to a modem/route via ethernet and that link has to be up before you run pon. I suspect that if you run "ifconfig" right after boot you will find that you either don't have eth0 or it does not have an ip address. So to fix this youneed to edit /etc/network/interfaces. This is a txt file. So
    sudo kate /etc/network/interfaces

    Right now it probably has
    auto lo eth0
    iface lo inet loopback

    iface eth0 inet dhcp
    so you have
    auto lo eth0
    iface lo inet loopback
    iface eth0 inet dhcp
    under no circumstance should you delete the lo interface. Now you will be able to run
    sudo ifdown eth0
    to down the network and
    sudo ifup eth0
    to bring it up. And it will come up automatically when you boot.


      Re: Help-establishing internet connection in Kubuntu 9.04

      thanks mando_hacker ... actually when i was once again going through the pppoeconf procedure this time around, i accidentally chose to enable the connection on boot time, which i had chosen not to, earlier. And it has worked fine. . thanks for the help man.. will still keep in consideration your advice..


        Re: Help-establishing internet connection in Kubuntu 9.04

        I'd also like to know if there is some inbuilt utility in kubuntu or some third party software that helps me monitor my network. I need to know the amount of data downloaded/uploaded and also which all utilities are accessing net.
        If there's any software that requires installation, kindly list the installation procedure.


          Re: Help-establishing internet connection in Kubuntu 9.04

          See whether "System Monitor" tells you what you want to know.


            Re: Help-establishing internet connection in Kubuntu 9.04

            hello again, i'm unable to connect again!! I tried pppoeconf and everything went right. No probs in the process. Also when i try pon dsl-provider, i get no error message. However the system doesn't connect.
            I tried mando_hacker's advice and modified the interfaces file. Yet, no result.

            my interfaces files is as follows:-
            auto lo eth0
            iface lo inet loopback
            iface eth0 inet dhcp

            auto dsl-provider
            iface dsl-provider inet ppp
            pre-up /sbin/ifconfig eth0 up # line maintained by pppoeconf
            provider dsl-provider

            auto eth0
            iface eth0 inet manual
            do i need to make any further modifications?

            When i try the sudo ifup eth0 command, i recieve the following error msg :-

            ************************************************** ******
            sameer@sameer-desktop:~$ sudo ifup eth0

            /etc/network/interfaces:10: interface eth0 declared allow-auto twice
            ifup: couldn't read interfaces file "/etc/network/interfaces"
            ************************************************** *******
            I'm able to connect to net in windows XP without any probs

            About my connection - I use a UT300R2U ADSL modem/router, connected via ethernet . In windows the DNS server addresses are obtained automatically. So is the IP address.
            Please provide step by step instructions to solve this prob as i'm a total newbie. Is there a different way other than using pppoeconf?? How do connect using the network manager??


              Re: Help-establishing internet connection in Kubuntu 9.04

              At least you need to remove this line
              auto eth0
              as you already have it in
              auto lo eth0
              or remove the eth0 after lo. It looks like pppoeconf might be generating the lsst 2 lines.

