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Completely New to Kubuntu, would like to get some help

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    Completely New to Kubuntu, would like to get some help

    I am a typical Windows user now and want to try some different OS, so I choose Kubuntu.
    After I burn the .iso into DVD and I use it as Live CD, I move on to install wireless adapter.
    I have Linksys WUSB54G and don't know what should i do with it. I had visited many sites and they said to go download something, but the problem is, I can't even go online, how can I download the thing?
    Can anyone help me?

    Re: Completely New to Kubuntu, would like to get some help

    Well, you probably will have to download stuff somewhere else and then copy it to your computer from a USB disk. Or, wait, if you're only using the Live disk then you could always just download the necessary stuff in Windows and load it up afterwards (might be simpler to use a USB drive than mount the hard drive still, but I'll admit I forget now how hard recent (K)Ubuntu live disks make mounting internal drives).

    A very important question though is, which version do you have? It should say on a sticker underneath, or failing that you can open up Konsole and type in "lsusb" and somewhere there it should tell you. The different versions of the WUSB54G make a BIG difference for what files or actions you'll need since they're actually entirely different cards on the inside, despite being sold by Linksys as identical. Case in point, I have a spare WUSB54Gv4 sitting around (unfortunately I lost all my better cards, grr) and it has always worked without fuss in Kubuntu as long as I've had it; I just tried out now and it even auto-connected to a nearby wireless network, oops!

    Once we figure out which version you have we can be sure of the problem and corresponding solution


      Re: Completely New to Kubuntu, would like to get some help

      Well, mine has no version number on it. I looked online and people said if there's no version number then it's Ver. 1. So I guess I have version one.
      Appreciate your help : )


        Re: Completely New to Kubuntu, would like to get some help

        Erk, I swear I had replied to you again here, my post must've gotten eaten somewhere along the way (myself I'm without home internet at the moment so I'm using flaky wireless; irony!).

        Anyways to make it brief, these are the two packages you'll need to get and install:

        I'm assuming you're running a 32-bit version; if you're on 64-bit then it's"]this file for ndiswrapper-utils-1.9 instead[/URL].

        Get that and the required driver files onto somewhere you can access them (like a USB key or something) and then follow whatever guide(s) you've found about installing. If you don't have a guide to follow, I think this one should work:

        It's a bit older but not much has changed (other than the v4 working out of the box now, but alas that doesn't help you), although from a following post on that blog, after Step 9 you might want to run "sudo depmod -a" and you can apparently skip Step 10.

        The remaining problem, as I see it, is uhh that these steps have you reboot. I bet there's a way to do it without rebooting, but I don't know off hand, and if you haven't actually installed and are only using the Live CD then rebooting isn't really an option... hope this helps though.


          Re: Completely New to Kubuntu, would like to get some help

          OMG! That worked like a charm! Thank you for you help
          I was so desperate when I realized I can't use my wireless internet.
          Thank you for everything


            Re: Completely New to Kubuntu, would like to get some help

            No problem! Just glad to spread the joy


              Re: Completely New to Kubuntu, would like to get some help

              Whats up folks? I am from the Seattle area and completely new to Linux. For a long time I thought that Linux was in some way connected to Oracle, lol. I know, funny.

              A guy I know and network with in Europe hipped me to Kubuntu and now I am trying to install the OS on my older HP Pavilion.

              Here is my issue, it states that a x86-64 CPU is required but a i686 is detected on my computer. I have know idea what CPU is in my computer case as it was built long ago but a friend. How can I get around this and install?

              Your help is appreciated.


                Re: Completely New to Kubuntu, would like to get some help

                (ADVICE: Do not add your problem to someone else's post. Start your own post. OK, you might be completely new to Kubuntu as well and would like to get some help - but this is not an invitation to tag on a message at the end of another problem...)

                1) "it states that a x86-64 CPU is required but a i686 is detected on my computer" What is IT? There is a 32bit version of Kubuntu available, which I run. Go to

                2) "I have know idea what CPU is in my computer " If you have no idea about hardware then look at
                "A problem well stated is a problem half solved." --Charles F. Kettering
                "Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."--Dr. Seuss


                  Re: Completely New to Kubuntu, would like to get some help

                  Originally posted by arochester
                  (ADVICE: Do not add your problem to someone else's post. Start your own post. OK, you might be completely new to Kubuntu as well and would like to get some help - but this is not an invitation to tag on a message at the end of another problem...)

                  1) "it states that a x86-64 CPU is required but a i686 is detected on my computer" What is IT? There is a 32bit version of Kubuntu available, which I run. Go to

                  2) "I have know idea what CPU is in my computer " If you have no idea about hardware then look at
                  Sorry about the topic issue. I thought this was just one huge thread to get help if anyone was new. I got you and thanks for those links.

