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[SOLVED] 9.04 upgrade killed my bootup?

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    [SOLVED] 9.04 upgrade killed my bootup?

    Hello! First time posting for some help and boy could I use some!

    I had Kubuntu 8.1 running on my Gateway P-6860FX (1.8GHz Intel Core 2 Duo T5550, 4GB 667MHz DDR2, 320GB HD, Chipset Intel GM965, NVIDIA GeForce 8800M GTS) and it was running pretty good. Not perfect, but good.

    The option came up to upgrade. So, like a n00b, instead of researching anything about this upgrade before doing so, I just said to myself 'Self, looks like there is a upgrade avalible. DO IT!'

    Fast forward a day later because of slow download speeds and I have no video!

    Lurking around the forums I fixed the video, then finally the internet using Wicd. I lost my sound too but figured I could do it tomorrow because it was getting late.

    I turned on my pc this morning and I was introduced to this:

    /init: line 258: cannot open /root/dev/console: no such file exists

    followed by initramfs 47.897346 kernal panic - not syncing: attempt to kill init

    and mount: mounting /dev/disk/by-uuid/0a4380cb-8923-43al/aebe-9487f56f267a on /rrot
    failed: invalid argument
    Target file system doesn't have /sbin/init
    Busybox v1.10.2

    I was presented with a command line starting with {initramfs}

    I got these errors when I boot in recovery mode. If I don't boot in recovery mode, I am greeted with a _ at the top of my screen and that's it.

    My only hope, if I have to reinstall the whole kaboodle, is I can keep my files. I hate losing gigs of music/movies/porn

    Any suggestions would be kick ass!

    Re: 9.04 upgrade killed my bootup?

    You're not totally dead, you can boot from a CD and mount your root partition. Was that your first reboot after the upgrade? If so you might of booted the wrong kernel.
    linux && bash = "the future"


      Re: 9.04 upgrade killed my bootup?

      Originally posted by thegoat1984
      I turned on my pc this morning and I was introduced to this:

      /init: line 258: cannot open /root/dev/console: no such file exists

      followed by initramfs 47.897346 kernal panic - not syncing: attempt to kill init

      and mount: mounting /dev/disk/by-uuid/0a4380cb-8923-43al/aebe-9487f56f267a on /rrot
      failed: invalid argument
      Target file system doesn't have /sbin/init
      Busybox v1.10.2
      Some things about this look fishy to me. /root/dev/console should never exist, it should be /dev/console.
      487f56f267a on /rrot rrot instead of root or maybe instead of /. / is the root of the filesystem but it is different than /root and /dev goes in / not in /root. Might you have edited /etc/fstab or something else, following directions that mentioned the root filesystem( meaning /) and you used /root, or maybe /rrot in one case?

      If so that is the problem.


        Re: 9.04 upgrade killed my bootup?

        My mistake on the 'rrot'. That was a typo. I was rushing the post a bit. A whole screen full of a somewhat forgien language gets a bit much to type.

        As far as a boot CD goes, I booted from it to see if I could just get into terminal so I can keep fishing around on this PC for a solution as to why/how that happened and what to do.

        It started up just fine but there is a driver problem with the nvidia I have so the screen is difficult to look at. I don't really know where to go from there to fix this either


          Re: 9.04 upgrade killed my bootup?

          By booting from the live CD, and mounting my partition, how would I reinstall whatever went wrong? I'm a bit confused here.


            Re: 9.04 upgrade killed my bootup?

            Take a look at #2 on my "Top 20 FAQs". You have a video issue with your GeForce 8800. I had an 8800GTS for awhile, and you're going to need a boot option. Try vga-788 and vga=791 and if neither of those work try xforcevesa.


              Re: 9.04 upgrade killed my bootup?

              I think you are not the only one who is a bit confused, but you do seem to be in a position now where you can investigate.

              One of the option on the LiveCD is boot from the first disk. If you choose that does it behave exactly as booting from the disk?

              While you were fixing the other problems did you edit /etc/fstab or /boot/grub/menu.lst?

              I am attaching a .txt file that is really a bash script. You should remove the .txt extension and set executable permissions on it and see if you can run it on your system, whether booted from CD or disk. It will gather info about all the boot parameters on your computer. It is very powerful and will almost certainly provide the info we need.
              Attached Files


                Re: 9.04 upgrade killed my bootup?

                To dibl: Thats a great FAQ. I bookmarked it for help with video drivers first time installing Kubuntu. Thank you I'll #2 a shot see how it goes.

                Mando_hacker, I booted from the first disk and had the same error. I think I remember seeing /boot/grub/menu.lst in adept before I updated. I like to browse the list to see what exactly is getting installed. I could be wrong though and I don't want to speculate too much. Don't remember ever editing anything related to grub or fstab. Oh and I'll try to run that script see what I can come up with for you all.

                Edit: I'm trying to make the script executable while running live CD. I tried

                sudo chmod +x /home/ubuntu/documents/
                sudo /home/ubuntu/documents/

                Didn't work. I'm still searching for how to make a script executable.

                Edit two: I need to read better. I took off the extention .txt and when I clicked on it, you can see the terminal flash for 1/2 a second. That's it.


                  Re: 9.04 upgrade killed my bootup?

                  Ok, don't know if this will help but I changed the script to .sh and opened in Kate. Brought up the terminal and typed:

                  ubuntu@ubuntu:~/Documents$ sudo bash
                  : command not foundsh: line 40
                  : command not foundsh: line 42
                  : command not foundsh: line 46
                  : command not foundsh: line 47
                  : command not foundsh: line 69
                  : command not foundsh: line 70
                  : command not foundsh: line 89
                  : command not foundsh: line 100
                  : command not foundsh: line 112
                  : command not foundsh: line 113
                  : command not foundsh: line 115
                  : command not foundsh: line 116
                  : command not foundsh: line 117
                  : command not foundsh: line 120
         line 122: syntax error near unexpected to 'en
         line 122:'while ( [ -e $LogFile$j.txt ]'

                  Hope this helps!


                    Re: 9.04 upgrade killed my bootup?

                    Tremendously. You might want to google boot_info_script.


                      Re: 9.04 upgrade killed my bootup?

                      I have been googling it (oh thank you google for your many answers), but I haven't seen anything that feels like my situation let alone what to do with it. The search continues!

                      If I got this right, my grub (aka boot loader?) is installed on the same partition as Kubuntu. My dirve is split up between sda1 (linux/boot), sda2 (ext3? I'm guessing all my files that are in the home folder?), sda5 (linux swap which is extra space used on the HD for programs. Like extra ram I guess).

                      So if my boot or grub is corrupted, I think I should be able to reinstall it. Well, I tried to reinstall it. Went to terminal from a live CD boot, went into grub, and did the setup (hd0,0) and restarted. No effect. Maybe I didn't setup on the right partition?

                      I did notice that the first error is
                      EXT3-fs error (device sda1): ext3_check_descriptors: Block bitmap for group 2176 not in group (block 536903116 !
                      It even had a ! so it must be important...!

                      I'll be back when I find anything else out.


                      Pressed esc during boot where you get the options to load different kernals or enter recovery mode. Saw an option to go to command line.

                      grub> setup (hd0,0)
                      Checking if "/boot/grub/stage1" exists... yes
                      Checking if "/boot/grub/stage2" exists... yes
                      Checking if "boot/grub/e2fs_state1_5" exists... yes
                      Running "embed /boot/grub/e2fs_state1_5 (hd0,0)"... failed (this is not fatal)
                      Running "embed /boot/grub/e2fs_state1_5 (hd0,0)"... failed (this is not fatal)
                      Running "install /boot/grub/stage1 (hd0,0) /boot/grub/stage2 p /boot/grub/menu.1st"... succeeded


                        Re: 9.04 upgrade killed my bootup?

                        So I'm pretty sure my grub was messed up. Tried reinstalling it but to no avail. Then after getting annoyed and somewhat fed up, I decided to try and reinstall Kubuntu so then I can access everything and undo what damage I may have did.

                        After booting up from fresh install, I am brought back to initramfs. BLARG!

                        What the hell am I doing wrong? I'm missing something... hmm


                          Re: 9.04 upgrade killed my bootup?

                          I am pretty sure /dev/sda1 has a corrupted filesystem. You might be able to fix it by booting with the CD and running "sudo fsck.ext3 -p /dev/sda1". If that does not work wyou could try replacing the superblock, but it might be best to reinstall and have it recreate (format) this filesystem. I expect yours files are probably in the other partition?


                            Re: 9.04 upgrade killed my bootup?

                            Just tried it and I got:

                            ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo fsck.ext3 -p /dev/sda1
                            /dev/sda1: Note: if several inode or block bitmap blocks or part of the inode table require relocation, you may wish to try running e2fsck with the '-b 32768' option first. The problem may lie only with the primary block group descriptors, and the backup block group descriptors may be OK.
                            /dev/sda1: Block bitmap for group 2176 is not in group.  (block 536903166)
                            /dev/sda1: UNEXPECTED INCONSISTENCY; RUN fsck MANUALLY.
                                   (i.e., without -a or -p options)
                            So, I tried it again without the -p. It scaned files, found errors, and asked me if it should correct it. Problem solved I guess! I was able to boot up fine. Thank you so much for your help! I certainly learned a lot from this experiance.

                            I know what my grub is, how its used, how my hard drives are set up, all sorts of fun things you can do with your boot up CD, and an overall better idea about how Kubuntu and Linux work. Thank you very much!


                              Re: [SOLVED] 9.04 upgrade killed my bootup?

                              You are welcome, and I am relieved. I am glad you learned. The cool thing about linux is there is so much more to learn, always.

