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Soundproblems Firefox after Amarok in KDE4

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    Soundproblems Firefox after Amarok in KDE4

    Just installed Kubuntu 9.04 on a new computer.

    When I view Youtube in Firefox or Konqueror, it is not possible afterwards to play a music file in Amarok or an audio-cd in KsCD.
    When I play the CD or music file first, I have no sound in Firefox or Konqueror.

    I did install the KDE 3.5. desktop. Then there is no problem.

    I hope someone can tell me how to solve this problem


    Re: Soundproblems Firefox after Amarok in KDE4

    I had exactly the same problem with 9.04. I made sure pulseaudio was selected to be the multimedia device for all and this solved the issue for me.

    #1 Start by clicking the Kickoff Button(K) -> Computer -> Multimedia
    #2 Tick the show advanced devices box. Click the Apply button.
    #3 Click on Audio Output. Click on PulseAudio. Use the Prefer button to move it to the topmost position.
    #4 Repeat for Notifications, Video, Communication, Games and Accessibility.
    #5 Click the Apply button.

    This may not work unless you go to Kickoff -> Applications -> System -> User Manager and go to your user account and add yourself to all of the Pulse groups. This could require you to log out and back in to recognize the change to your user account.

    Don't quote me on this but it is what I did before my audio apps would play nice with each other. I can confirm that I had this issue with flash and amarok and now I have sound playing simultaneously in all my apps.


      Re: Soundproblems Firefox after Amarok in KDE4

      It works like a charm.



        Re: Soundproblems Firefox after Amarok in KDE4

        Glad to help.


          Re: Soundproblems Firefox after Amarok in KDE4

          I have no "pulse" groups listed in Kuser.

          Fresh install of kubuntu 9.04. CDs not playing. Amarok doesn't even show a CD drive in the list on the side.

          I did get the youtube videos playing using ubuntu-freak's quick method here:

          Any help will be received with gratitude.


