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    I am 'new' to Linux and I LOVED K8041 -KDE 4--Xampp, I regret I upgraded.

    After a rather jumpy on-line installation of about 8 hours I lost all the configuration I have worked for 6 months.

    It looks a lot like Windows to me, it reinstalled a lot of garbage again into my PC that I don't want or I don't need.

    Specially all that features that are prone to spyware. It installed again the very heavy Sun office garbage like Address Book, Organizer, Kontact. Even Wallet reappeared.

    I lost the gorgeous wallpaper from that (same?) Brazilian guy (with the curly 'fences'), it is gone, deleted.

    I don't want Ktorrent, Krfb, Akregator, Kopete, Quassel, Kmail, KRDC, Konqueror shoved into me. They are overdone looking like MS h##t

    I'm not a geek but I had enough of MS ##t on the last 15 years to see the same thing happening again. I am loosing control again! I lost network management control!

    Erasing all the features I didn't like and installing/upgrading others wasn't easy, I made mistakes, I spent hours reading the options. Now is it all over again? Give me a break!

    So this is a warning to the fellow jumping into the ugrade, take your time, and may be you'd better upgrade installing selected packages on line, instead of going for the whole thing.

    Maybe you do NOT need other people telling you what you like or need.

    I even liked the old widgets 'ghosts', the low panel, and the clock better, sorry.

    Oh yes!! I appreciate all the work the people of K/Ubuntu is doing, just do not throw all the effort over the board.

    my 2 cents... hope it helps!

    Re: Updegrade

    I feel your pain. And it's too bad you didn't spot my question earlier:

    But next time you'll know!

    And in principle, I think they are chucking a bit too many default apps into the buntus these days. It's so easy to install anyway.

    sudo apt-get remove openoffice*
    will clear out anything open office related thanks to the "wildcard" at the end. If you have a good sense of what you want and don't you can use this method to clear things out pretty fast. Just make sure to read the list of what gets removed.
    Follow up with
    sudo apt-get autoremove

    Also, your wallpaper should be in there *somewhere*. If the installer actually deleted it without asking, that's kind of a major bad. As for where it is.. beats me.


      Re: Updegrade

      Thank you E.Debois for your sympathy :-)

      Yeah, I saw your post, maybe I wasn't paying much attention. If I have to use the command line I do it (Yakuake!!) but I tend to go graphic and maybe I trusted too much the “update available” icon (was it adept? it's gone too but this can be my fault) it worked seamlessly since I started migrating ....

      I have to confess I doubted a bit (about .00013 seconds as Commander Data said about the Borg Queen) before hitting the 'Yes' key. Should I have gone through the usual 'download and burn' I'd have been probably much more careful, but now it is done. Maybe I can go back to the previous KDE4?.

      BTW, isn't loosing control what it looks like here? :

      What is your opinion on that?

      Thank you for the tip “ apt-get remove openoffice*” I will use it as soon as I get things stable.

      Oh, and I WILL get my wallpaper back! I have the name written somewhere.
      You see, I'm organized, what kills me is curiosity :-)

      And you are right, next time I will know !!




        Re: Updegrade

        Originally posted by kdad
        BTW, isn't loosing control what it looks like here? :

        What is your opinion on that?
        I don't use the network manager so I didn't notice!
        It kept crapping out on me on 8.10 so I just did a manual config instead and removed anything named network-manager.

