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a few questions

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    a few questions

    Hi all, first impressions of Kubuntu are good, all for can`t be bad.haveing used windows for years the change is not to difficult, and am slowly getting used to the changes, however I have a few questions.

    1. I am having problems playing dvd`s (the dvd is picked up in dolphin)
    2. I can`t play cd`s
    3. for some reason now when I minimise a icon, or fire fox ,it dose`nt show up on the tool bar,
    4. any ideasabout installing open office 3.

    I hope I make sense, apart forom the above I am very impressed

    Re: a few questions

    Hi and welcome.

    1. I suspect you need a package called libdvdcss which for legal reasons cannot be made available by default. To get it, you need to add the medibuntu repository to your list of repositories.

    Visit, and follow the instructions. Basically you copy and paste a couple of lines of code (the repository details and a gpg key) and the package will be available in your package manager.

    2. Check in your package manager whether you have the package Kscd installed. That's the best one to have. However your 4th question tells me you may well be using intrepid (8.10). Is that the case? If so, the kde version in a new intrepid install is immature, to say the least - it has lots of bugs and I have heard of this issue before.

    3. Again I suspect it is a new intrepid install bug.

    4. There is an external repository where you can get OOo3 for intrepid. However, it's s default application in Jaunty (9.04), which was released yesterday.
    If you like intrepid, you will love Jaunty. You can either upgrade over the internet, or you can download a CD and use that as an upgrade source or do a fresh installation. The second or third would be my preference if I were you.

    Take a look here



