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A few little things

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    A few little things


    I have been trying Kubuntu for a couple of months now (not all the time, though). There's just a couple of think that really must be fixed, because I want to start doing my job as PHP programmer on Kubuntu.

    The first thing is that after installing compizconfig, kubuntu starts to crash at startup. After it loads the applications I used before shutting Kubuntu down, I am unable to scroll through other desktops and windows overlay my top taskbar. To fix this, I have to log out, and log back in. Then it works perfect. Ofcourse this is horrible and I'd like to have it fixed.

    The second problem is more PHP related. I always use XAMPP (or LAMPP), to test my scripts on my localhost. The thing is, on Kubuntu the XAMPP only works while connected to the internet. The whole point of xampp is to test my script when I'm not connected to the internet, like when I'm working in the train as example. I'd like to be able to use XAMPP, also when I am disconnected to the internet.

    Then the third. I have an other partition on my laptop (XP). I'd like to be able to access that partition through kubuntu. I tried the following guide but it did not get me anywere. Any other 'clear and simple' guides to mount this partition?

    That's about it. Thanks for your time. Remember I'm only a beginner so don't throw too complicated things to me.


    Re: A few little things

    The second problem is more PHP related. I always use XAMPP (or LAMPP), to test my scripts on my localhost. The thing is, on Kubuntu the XAMPP only works while connected to the internet. The whole point of xampp is to test my script when I'm not connected to the internet, like when I'm working in the train as example. I'd like to be able to use XAMPP, also when I am disconnected to the internet.
    Why don't you just install LAMP for the web development? I've got it running on all 4 of my ops. Installation can't be much simpler:
    $sudo tasksel
    Of course, remove the xampp installation first ...



      Re: A few little things

      1st - do not use compiz in kubuntu unless you want to have to solve a lot of problems. Compiz is mostly for gnome (ubuntu), kde included in kubuntu already has the same effects, without the need to install or configure anything. Just uninstall compiz and go to system settings->desktop.

      2nd - I use xampp with xubuntu and it works fine even without internet connection. Maybe you installed it wrong? Try reinstalling it, or post more details on how you use it and what version you use.

      Can't help with the third one, as I do not have a ntfs partition.


        Re: A few little things

        Here is how I mounted a NTFS partition . Volume is Named Win-Shared.
        First I used dolphin to mount the partition and then went to terminal and typed in "mount"
        That returned the Device name example "
        " /dev/sda4 on /media/Win-Shared" Then using Dolphin I right click on the Volume and selected Unmount.
        Then using terminal I created the directory "sudo mkdir /media/Win-Shared". I also did "sudo chomd 777 /media/Win-Shared"
        Then I added Win-Shared to "/etc/fstab"
        /dev/sda4 /media/Win-Shared ntfs,rw,nosuid,nodev,allow_other,blksiz=4096

