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Some noob questions

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    Some noob questions

    Hi people, I started using Kubuntu 1 week ago and I have some questions to make to you.

    I have some questions to make:

    1. My USB external drive can't be detected on kubuntu, it don't appear on gpart software also, my other USB devices are detected without problems.
    2. I have two disks on my pc, one of them is formated in fat32 format. Everytime I need to use it kubuntu begs me a password, is it normal behaviour? The disk don't contain any operative system information and don't have windows.
    3. I'm used to use the removable usb drives like windows, when I put a removable drive every program have the rights to use it without the need of refresh it, In kubuntu I need to open the removable drive available to the current program otherwise I can't save a file in it. it's a bit anoying to make the extra step, so this is normal ? I need to download something to make kubuntu automont the drives and make it available to the current open programs?

    Thanks in advance

    Re: Some noob questions

    1. Not enough information to help. You might consider telling us what kind of USB drive you have then we can assist further. It might be a driver issue.

    2. Yes, that's normal. I assume since you installed Linux you have a healthy curiosity. Open konsole and type "man fstab" to view the help file on fstab and then "man mount" to learn more about the mount command. Reading the help will probably result in more questions on your part but you'll know a lot more. If you want detailed instructions google mounting fat32 or ntfs partitions under Linux.

    3. I can't help on this one. I don't observe the same behaviour on my system. When I plug in my flash drive I can work with it from all the KDE apps I tested. Kubuntu (9.04) mounts it under the /media directory on the file system.
    linux && bash = "the future"


      Re: Some noob questions

      Thanks for the answers

      My external drive is a Iomega model dhd 080-u if you need something more specific let me know.

      So the password issue is normal ? I wonder why, but i really don't have a problem with that, just curiosity

      And for the last point at least I know that the external drives in kubuntu works just like windows so I need to research a bit more how to make them to work in hte way I need. Any tip where to begin?.


        Re: Some noob questions

        I can't really help with your usb problem. One thing you can do is open a console window, type lsusb, then plug-in the iomega drive and type lsusb again. If you don't see it then it's a driver issue. Your password problem is more the default behaviour than normal behaviour. You can auto-mount the fat32 partition with the password and it won't ask you any more. Where's the fun if I told you how to do it. There is loads of documentation on Linux. I'd start with Google.
        linux && bash = "the future"


          Re: Some noob questions

          It is probably that you are new to linux, but this might help do the trick, make sure you updated your kubuntu version(update and not upgrade), if you want to upgrade to a newer version, that is up to you.
          I had some issues with my jump drive working and it would work at times and sometimes it would not work. What I do was reboot the PC and try it again, sometimes it would do the trick. Make sure you have updated it.
          Please, somebody correct if I am wrong here but when I have a fresh install, I do get some problems with lots of stuff but after you make an update, it should work fine. Try it out and let us know.


            Re: Some noob questions

            I think you are a little confuse about the update and upgrade. If you update you download a new list of software packages that are available. If you upgrade you install some or all of those available updated packages. With straight upgrade you will not get any new packages but if you do a dist-upgrade apt will install any new packages that are required by upgraded packages.

            You should regularly update and then upgrade to keep your system in good shape.

            Some of what you are seeing is standard linux behavior but you should be able to see usb devices in lsusb. Can you?


              Re: Some noob questions

              Thanks to all for the answers.

              I updated to the new version and the removable drives issue seems to be solved . Need to make a proof with a new removable device later.

              I have used the lsusb command and it seems that my kubuntu sees my device:

              The command show this:

              Bus 005 Device 015 ID: 059b:1077 Iomega corp Hi Speed USB to IDE Bridge Controller.

              So what can I do?


                Re: Some noob questions

                sudo fidsk -l
                will probably show you the partitions and how the disk is designated, at the moment. In other workd is it /dev/sdb or /dev/sdc with /dev/sdc1 and /dev/sdc1 as partitions and so forth. Then you can mount those partitions and use them. If you search this forum for NTFS you will find numerous instances in the last month where I have described how to edit /etc/fstab to make this work. If it is fat32 just replace mtfs with vfat.

                Be aware that if you disconnect the drive it may have a different designation next time you connect it. This will happen if you have connected another drive in the meantime.


                  Re: Some noob questions

                  Today I made another update and kubuntu mounts my external drive smoothly. Thank you guys.

