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[solved] Dashboard Widgets gone | Digikam bug /KDE4 | network settings & wicd

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    [solved] Dashboard Widgets gone | Digikam bug /KDE4 | network settings & wicd

    Sorry, another problem, help needed again ... !
    The widgets on my dashboards are all showing a white cross in a red square and the mention 'unable to load the widget : could not find requested component component_name'. So the shortcut to dashboard in bottom toolbar is missing, as well as several widgets and Lancelot, which is pretty annoying ...

    I was installling some picture viewers (DigiKam) with Adept, then trying to add a repository to install KView (but after I installed the repository Adept was still unable to find KView), then Adept was doing an update (twice because the 1st time, the connexion went down), then figured out Digikam wasn't installed so re-do this step also. Then I close the lid of the laptop (hibernate normally), but when I opened it again, the screen wasn't working (but the music started where it ended), so shutdown & restart. And no Lancelot & widgets, now ...
    Adept changed also (I can run Alt-F2->Konsole/programs), doesn't allow the search programs by type.

    Otherwise, I keep having small bugs often since I installed Kubuntu, but for most of them I wait to see if they reproduce before starting to spend time on them. Linux is great but cannot really say it's bug-free. Let's call it a long term investment.
    Single boot Kubuntu12.04 on Zepto NoxA14 Intel Dual Core 2GHz (64-bit), RAM 4Go, Nvidia GeForce 9600M GT

    Re: Dashboard Widgets gone | Problem became worse!

    I am having more problems now ...
    Adept wanted to do more automatic updates, and I let it do, but it seems it installed a lot of stuff from this new repository I've added. I don't know why, because i didn't asked him to (said repository is deb http://mirrors.kernel. ... testing main non-free contrib).
    Apparently it encountered dependency problems, and I cannot have access to KDE desktop now. When I start, I get the text-like login screen.
    -Login/pw doesn't start KDE.
    -#startx makes it start to boot, get a grey screen, then the little icons coming one by one, but then abruptly stops and goes back to command line. the lines displayed (giving some system version) don't give much explanation. and X shut down.
    -# /etc/init.d/kdm start Reply : 'Starting K Display Manager : kdmOnly root wants to run kdm already running.
    -#sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop. reply that there are problems with packages below and advise to run :
    -#dpkg --configure -a, but there are the same problems with ('erros were encountered while processing / dependency problems'):

    I stop to try more things, because it looks stuck. I have the feeling the repository added and consequent installs caused the problem, but don't really know why.
    Single boot Kubuntu12.04 on Zepto NoxA14 Intel Dual Core 2GHz (64-bit), RAM 4Go, Nvidia GeForce 9600M GT


      Re: Dashboard Widgets gone | Problem became worse!

      The last time I opened the computer, it went to the login screen and after this, KDE started and stopped abruptly and displayed a screen with lots of letters and bright colours. and stopped responding.
      How can I undo the change done with Adept recently and the addition of the new repository ? (how come this addition caused so much problems ?)

      It might have something to do with the Nvidia driver which I think was not installed properly (I think X config was not done properly).

      .... Help !!!
      Single boot Kubuntu12.04 on Zepto NoxA14 Intel Dual Core 2GHz (64-bit), RAM 4Go, Nvidia GeForce 9600M GT


        Re: Dashboard Widgets gone | Problem became worse!

        When you added the repository and asked it to install the latest versions youdid ask it to install from that repository. At this point you need to get to a root shell. Rebbot and use ESC to get the grub menu. Then chose "root shell with network". You should end up at a text interface. Comment the line you added. Unless you prefer vi or emacs use "sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list" and add # at the beginning of the line (or lines) you added. Then run
        sudo aptitude update
        Then try
        sudo aptitude -f install
        . If it gives you the line about needing "dpkg--configure -a" run it and notice which package is having trouble. Then look in /var/cache/apt/archives/ to see if there is a version in there earlier than the one giving you trouble and try to install it with
        sudo dpkg -i package_file.deb


          Re: Dashboard Widgets gone | Problem became worse!

          I commented the new line in sources.list (recovery mode >root shell)

          sudo aptitude update is not working (because of no active internet connexion)
          sudo aptitude -f install gives me some broken packages and unmet dependencies and offer to downgrade (libc6-dev libc6-i386) and to remove 19 others, but cannot complete because no connexion.

          I can scan and found my network, but cannot connect to it. the $sudo dhclient ra0 is not working.

          should I try $dpkg--configure -a and stil try to found earlier version in /var/cache/apt/archives/ or won't that work without connnexion ?
          Single boot Kubuntu12.04 on Zepto NoxA14 Intel Dual Core 2GHz (64-bit), RAM 4Go, Nvidia GeForce 9600M GT


            Re: Dashboard Widgets gone | Problem became worse!

            You should still try the dpkg --configure -a and use of packages from /var/cache/apt/archive. In my system there are 2 root shell options, one has network and the other does not.


              Re: Dashboard Widgets gone | Problem became worse!

              How do you do 'page up' when the command return a lot of information ?
              CTRL-B or CTRL-V followed by page up doesn't work
              Single boot Kubuntu12.04 on Zepto NoxA14 Intel Dual Core 2GHz (64-bit), RAM 4Go, Nvidia GeForce 9600M GT


                Re: Dashboard Widgets gone | Problem became worse!

                When going into the directory and trying $find package-name (the names of the packages with problems are the ones in the post above), it can't find anything.

                GRUB menu shows :
                Kubuntu 2.6.26-11
                Kubuntu 2.6.26-11 (recovery mode)
                Kubuntu 2.6.26-7
                Kubuntu 2.6.26-7 (recovery mode)
                memtest386 (sth like this)

                if I choose the recovery mode, I have choices (resume|clean|dpkg|fsck|root|xfix)
                I think wifi is up because I detect my home network.
                Single boot Kubuntu12.04 on Zepto NoxA14 Intel Dual Core 2GHz (64-bit), RAM 4Go, Nvidia GeForce 9600M GT


                  Re: Dashboard Widgets gone | Problem became worse!

                  I assume you are using intrepid?
                  Going back to your original problem, I believe that issue was caused by installing digikam. The one in the intrepid repositories (simply because it's only very recently that a KDE4 version has become available) was for kde 3. That uses a version of kipi plugins that is incompatible with the plasma extra widgets package that some of your kde4 widgets need to work. You get one or the other.

                  Go into recovery mode, selecting the root option and try:

                  So try sudo apt-get remove digikam and ensure that kipi plugins go with it and then see if you can then add the package kdeplasma-addons.

                  Any joy?

                  It may be that you have "fixed it till it's broken", though and might have to do a reinstall.


                    Re: Dashboard Widgets gone | Problem became worse!

                    You may indeed have "fixed it till it's broke" but you may recover yet. It sounds like aptitude will fix it if you can get the network working. Since Network-Manager will not start the wireless until you start KDE ( a good reason to use wicd) you will need to configure the network manually or by editing /etc/network/interfaces. It is likely that youcan do this with
                    sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces
                    and then use something like this if you use WEP
                    auto lo
                    iface lo inet loopback
                    iface wlan0 inet dhcp
                    wireless-essid yourssid
                    wireless-key yourkey
                    or this if you use WPA
                    auto lo
                    iface lo inet loopback
                    iface wlan0 inet dhcp
                    wpa-ssid yourssid
                    wpa-psk yourpassphrase

                    After saving you will want to try
                    sudo ifup wlan0
                    to see if it comes up.

                    You could try using iwconfig and dhcp manually to get this working but this is usually easier.

                    About scrolling back. SHIFT-Page Up will move you back and SHIFT-Page Down moves you down.


                      Re: Dashboard Widgets gone | Problem became worse!

                      I edited /etc/network/interfaces, changed wlan0 to ra0, and connect. That's great! So now I only have to use a terminal to connect even under KDE, that will hopefully go faster !

                      I tried $apt-get remove digikam and $apt-get install kdeplasma-addons but there are unmet dependencies, essentially with libc6, and the answer is 'try apt-get -f install'

                      So I did $apt-get update, then $apt-get -f install
                      It removed and upgraded some packages (and removed skype, because I think I used the repository only to install skype and comment the line after).
                      It also suggest me to do apt-get autoremove and I did, but that uninstalled skype-common and synaptic. That also uninstalled a libkipi-sth that was maybe the one quoted above.
                      I also uninstalled Digikam (it didn't look like what I was looking for anyway) and reinstalled KDEaddeons.

                      so far no need for $dpkg--configure -a nor looking for earlier version.

                      tried $startx but the desktop loaded was empty and the mouse cursor was blocked. forced shutdown and restart, and my old desktop is back again, though I have to reinstall the widgets.
                      KNetworkManager is green all the time now and I can't use it to connect but I can connect through terminal. Adept was gone as well, so I reinstalled it.

                      question : when we want to install ONLY one program from a 'unsafe' repository, and not want Adept to fetch updates or offer other programs in the list of programs to install, how to proceed ? Is it best not to add the repository and to install manually the program, but then the programs installed like this are likely to multiply and cause more mess (or at least not be automatically managed).

                      Time to go to bed here now !
                      Thank you once more for pulling me out of trouble, I am just amazed everytime by the amount of knowledge you alltogether represent and that is impossible to put in books or even in documentation file ...
                      Single boot Kubuntu12.04 on Zepto NoxA14 Intel Dual Core 2GHz (64-bit), RAM 4Go, Nvidia GeForce 9600M GT


                        Re: Dashboard Widgets gone | Problem became worse!

                        Great. I am glad you got things working. There is a lot to cover here. With the entries in /etc/network/interfaces the network should come up automatically on boot as long as you have a line like
                        auto ra0
                        If that is not happening it may be because the module is not loading automatically. IF you have a module you built yourself I can give you some simple directions for getting that to happen.

                        I think adding the medibuntu repository will give you much of what you are looking for from a reasonably trustworthy site.
                        It has multimedia apps and includes skype that works.

                        When your system starts X it usually used KDM, so to start it like that instead of startx run
                        sudo invoke-rc.d kdm start
                        If it says KDM is already running run
                        sudo invoke-rc.d kdm stop
                        and then
                        sudo invoke-rc.d kdm start
                        Invoke-rc.d works for any script in /etc/init.d. This is what the system runs to geet things started.

                        If you want only one app from a repository the thing to do would be to add the repository, run
                        sudo aptitude update
                        Then install the package you want and comment the repository and rerun
                        sudo aptitude update
                        When you run the apt-get upgrade or full-upgrade it tries to install the latest version available of everything on your system.


                          Re: Dashboard Widgets gone | Problem became worse!

                          well I think the module is loading automatically now, since you explained me in another post how to do it ( I will try this $auto ra0.
                          Connecting is way faster now, but have no task icon to tell me if the connexion is still on and its strength (since I am quite far from the wifi box, signal gets weak from time to time). KNetworkManager with strength bars was quite handy.
                          btw, I wanted to write a post on how to install the wireless driver I have (RaLink - I have a Zepto computer, the ones sold without OS, which many Linux users apparently choose, and it doesn't show here :, where should I post it (as well as on this link I mean).

                          I thought I added Medinbuntu some time ago (that how I re-install skype, cf same link above) and in Adept>Sources/Third-Party software, (Binary) intrepid free non-free is checked, but my sources.list file doesn't show it (and - proof? - Adept can't find skype):

                          # deb cdrom:[Kubuntu 8.10 _Intrepid Ibex_ - Release amd64 (20081029.1)]/ intrepid main restricted
                          # See [url][/url] for how to upgrade to
                          # newer versions of the distribution.
                          deb [url][/url] intrepid main restricted
                          deb-src [url][/url] intrepid main restricted
                          ## Major bug fix updates produced after the final release of the
                          ## distribution.
                          deb [url][/url] intrepid-updates main restricted
                          deb-src [url][/url] intrepid-updates main restricted
                          ## N.B. software from this repository is ENTIRELY UNSUPPORTED by the Ubuntu
                          ## team. Also, please note that software in universe WILL NOT receive any
                          ## review or updates from the Ubuntu security team.
                          deb [url][/url] intrepid universe
                          deb-src [url][/url] intrepid universe
                          deb [url][/url] intrepid-updates universe
                          deb-src [url][/url] intrepid-updates universe
                          ## N.B. software from this repository is ENTIRELY UNSUPPORTED by the Ubuntu 
                          ## team, and may not be under a free licence. Please satisfy yourself as to 
                          ## your rights to use the software. Also, please note that software in 
                          ## multiverse WILL NOT receive any review or updates from the Ubuntu
                          ## security team.
                          deb [url][/url] intrepid multiverse
                          deb-src [url][/url] intrepid multiverse
                          deb [url][/url] intrepid-updates multiverse
                          deb-src [url][/url] intrepid-updates multiverse
                          ## Uncomment the following two lines to add software from the 'backports'
                          ## repository.
                          ## N.B. software from this repository may not have been tested as
                          ## extensively as that contained in the main release, although it includes
                          ## newer versions of some applications which may provide useful features.
                          ## Also, please note that software in backports WILL NOT receive any review
                          ## or updates from the Ubuntu security team.
                          deb [url][/url] intrepid-backports main restricted universe multiverse
                          deb-src [url][/url] intrepid-backports main restricted universe multiverse
                          ## Uncomment the following two lines to add software from Canonical's
                          ## 'partner' repository. This software is not part of Ubuntu, but is
                          ## offered by Canonical and the respective vendors as a service to Ubuntu
                          ## users.
                          deb [url][/url] intrepid partner
                          deb-src [url][/url] intrepid partner
                          deb [url][/url] intrepid-security main restricted
                          deb-src [url][/url] intrepid-security main restricted
                          deb [url][/url] intrepid-security universe
                          deb-src [url][/url] intrepid-security universe
                          deb [url][/url] intrepid-security multiverse
                          deb-src [url][/url] intrepid-security multiverse
                          ## repository MORGOTH for APE support and other plugins
                          ## deb [url][/url] dapper-backports main
                          ## deb [url][/url] testing main non-free contrib
                          Do I still have to add medinbuntu ?
                          When I run $sudo aptitude update or $sudo apt-get update, it will not uninstall packages from repositories non longer there ? ok, then. But why did the previous manip removed skype ? (was it -f install ?)

                          thank you for starting KDM information. KDM is desktop manager right ? and X is the graphical engine?
                          Single boot Kubuntu12.04 on Zepto NoxA14 Intel Dual Core 2GHz (64-bit), RAM 4Go, Nvidia GeForce 9600M GT


                            Re: Dashboard Widgets gone | Problem became worse!

                            KDM is the display manager. It starts the Desktop manager. Now that you have network again youmight want to install wicd. It is a small network manager that works and will give youthe applet you want.
                            sudo aptitude install wicd should get it. When you install it it willuninstall network-manager which is fine. Before you start wicd you hould down your network interfaces and comment them in /etc/network/interfaces so the 2 do not compete for control of the interfaces. The directions from wor setting up your repository work very well and they place a file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/. Everything in that directory is added to what is found in /etc/apt/sources.list.

                            I think there is a section of How To's. Maybe someone else here could give you better info about that.

                            It is possible that -f install removed skype. It should be perfectly safe to add medibuntu again and reinstall skype.


                              Re: Dashboard Widgets gone | Problem became worse!

                              $auto ra0 make it connect at startup (providing the external wifi switch is on)

                              Can you clarify this Before you start wicd you hold down your network interfaces and comment them in /etc/network/interfaces so the 2 do not compete for control of the interfaces.
                              Which lines do I comment ? all ?
                              what do you mean 'hold down' ?
                              Single boot Kubuntu12.04 on Zepto NoxA14 Intel Dual Core 2GHz (64-bit), RAM 4Go, Nvidia GeForce 9600M GT

