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modem dials but can't cnnect to internet

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    modem dials but can't cnnect to internet

    I use an old external motorola 56k modem which works perfectly with windows and Ubuntu 8.04

    Right now I am using Ubuntu 8.04, but it is such a struggle to set up basic things like dialup, or getting different drives to be recognized, I am really fed up with it. I have everything working now, but what a pain. Kubuntu on the other hand seems to work perfectly "out of the box" with minimal setups required and the utilities that come with it are far superior, IMHO.

    I really want to switch to Kubuntu 8.04, but the one problem I'm having is HUGE, and until I can resolve it I can't install Kubuntu permanently. So far, I have only used the LiveCD Kubuntu 8.04 to work on this, but I am stuck right now.

    After I set up kppp the modem dials out and connects...all the external indicator lights show as good...when i try to go to any website using Konqueror i get :

    an error ocurred while loading
    could not connect to host
    where "anywebsite" is any website I try,,,, etc. "anywebsite" is not a valid link, just using it as an example.

    This is the only thing that's preventing me from being a regular Kubuntu user.

    Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    Re: modem dials but can't cnnect to internet

    defaultroute, one word, is an option to pppd that tells it to create a default route through the connection it just established so that traffic destined for anywhere but the local network will go through that route to find its destination.


      Re: modem dials but can't cnnect to internet

      You have demonstrated that the internet connection is working, so you are now onto a different problem. You should tell us something about what is failing and how. You say you can not use a web browser. Does that mean you start Konqueror and it doesn't start? Strats but won't let you type a URL? Let's you type a URL but says it can't find the host? finds a host using a numeric ip but not a hostname?


        Re: modem dials but can't cnnect to internet

        This is a nameserver issue. That is handled by a file /etc/resolv.conf. It is possible to have ppp write one for you, but if it is your only connection it is probably easier to just create it yourself. It should look something like this
        The numeric IP addresses used here are from opendns, and should actually work, but I think it will be faster if you use the ones your ISP provides.
        You will just edit this file as root to get what you want.
        kdesudo kate /etc/resolv.conf


          Re: modem dials but can't cnnect to internet

          I am fairly confused. You seem to have proven that the network is up and working, but yuo can not resolve names, however you have an appropriate /etc/resolv.conf. Try this. Bting up the network connection and run
          ping -c 3
          ping -c 3
          If both of those return something like
          ping -c 3
          PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
          64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=118 time=69.2 ms
          64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=118 time=66.7 ms
          64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=118 time=70.3 ms

          --- ping statistics ---
          3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2013ms
          rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 66.736/68.777/70.335/1.538 ms
          You are connected and have name resolution. Please tell me what you get.


            Re: modem dials but can't cnnect to internet

            You now have definitive proof that the network is up and name resolving works. Now if you open Konqueror and enter the URL does it still say it can not find it?

            The only thing I can think of is that you have defined a proxy that is not available.


              Re: modem dials but can't cnnect to internet

              Does that mean that you tried it again and it did not work? Please try running konqueror from the terminal so it will show you error messages and see if it tells you anything.

              In konqueror->Settings->Configure Konqueror->Web Browsing->Proxy select "Connect to the internet directly".


                Re: modem dials but can't cnnect to internet


                Here it is....running Konqueror from Konsole after dialing in and online:

                ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo konqueror
                Error: "/var/tmp/kdecache-ubuntu" is owned by uid 999 instead of uid 0.
                Error: "/tmp/kde-ubuntu" is owned by uid 999 instead of uid 0.
                Error: "/tmp/ksocket-ubuntu" is owned by uid 999 instead of uid 0.
                Error: "/var/tmp/kdecache-ubuntu" is owned by uid 999 instead of uid 0.
                Error: "/var/tmp/kdecache-ubuntu" is owned by uid 999 instead of uid 0.
                Error: "/var/tmp/kdecache-ubuntu" is owned by uid 999 instead of uid 0.
                Error: "/var/tmp/kdecache-ubuntu" is owned by uid 999 instead of uid 0.
                Error: "/var/tmp/kdecache-ubuntu" is owned by uid 999 instead of uid 0.
                If you know what it means and any possible fixes, I am open to try anything at this point.

                Thanks again.


                  Re: modem dials but can't cnnect to internet

                  Are you trying to run konqueror as root? I am not sure if there is anything to stop that from happening but it is not the wisest thing to do. I would run as a different user and see if it works. The user 999 is interesting as I think Ubuntu uses 1000 as the first non system user. I am beginning to suspect you have been messing with users and groups and may be running into permission problems.

                  To reduce variable we need to get you using a regular user, and if you do not have one that has not been modified we can create one.


                    Re: modem dials but can't cnnect to internet

                    Don't use "sudo" to run a KDE package in Super User mode -- use "kdesudo".



                      Re: modem dials but can't cnnect to internet


                      I am beginning to suspect you have been messing with users and groups and may be running into permission problems.
                      FYI: I have not changed anything except for adding the /etc/resolv.conf (which was needed to start KPPP) and setting up the KPPP dialer. Being online has been the primary concern and thought it would be a waste of time to tweak anything else before that is working. So, no, I have not messed with users and groups (actually I don't even know how to do that).

                      this will be my last post on this topic. Honestly I've had enough for a while.

                      I want to sincerely thank you for all your efforts and patience in working with me on this problem. I may be back as a Kubuntu user someday, for now, I'll be using Ubuntu. Thanks again.

