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Dual-Boot Linux/Linux with shared /Swap? (Solved)

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    Dual-Boot Linux/Linux with shared /Swap? (Solved)

    I know this is probably well documented, but I have been unable to find the exact answer to my question. I have a HDD running a very stable install of Kubuntu 8.04, and I want to Dual-Boot with a new install of Kubuntu 9.04 and share the /swap partition. I have resized the original ext3 partition (sda1) and created a new ext3 partition (sda3) for the new install of 9.04. The /swap partition is sda5, and I want to share it rather than have 9.04 create it's own /swap. At what point during the new install do I have to tell "Jaunty" to use the existing sda5 as it's /swap partition? Do I use the manual partition option, or one of the other options, since the partitions are already created? I've been working with Linux awhile, but I've still got a lot to learn about non-standard configurations.

    AMD Athlon 64 4800x2 ; Biostar Tforce 550 ; 2gb ; dual-boot Kubuntu 8.04 & Kubuntu 9.04; Dual-boot XP & Vista.

    Re: Dual-Boot Linux/Linux with shared /Swap?


    One swap partition is all you need on the computer. Each Linux OS will happily use it, and there is no residual anything left after shutdown.

    During installation, you'll choose "manual" in the partitioning phase, and then set the /dev/sda5 to be the swap partition (it will be found automatically, actually).


      Re: Dual-Boot Linux/Linux with shared /Swap?

      Thanks dibl! I suspected as much, but I didn't want to choose the wrong option on the partition page and mess anything up. Dual booting XP and Kubuntu was much easier, because I did not have to make that decision. I've got multiple removeable HDD's now, and my goal is to have all my Windows distro's on one and all my Linux distros on the other.

      Thanks again, Kip.
      AMD Athlon 64 4800x2 ; Biostar Tforce 550 ; 2gb ; dual-boot Kubuntu 8.04 & Kubuntu 9.04; Dual-boot XP & Vista.

