I know this is probably well documented, but I have been unable to find the exact answer to my question. I have a HDD running a very stable install of Kubuntu 8.04, and I want to Dual-Boot with a new install of Kubuntu 9.04 and share the /swap partition. I have resized the original ext3 partition (sda1) and created a new ext3 partition (sda3) for the new install of 9.04. The /swap partition is sda5, and I want to share it rather than have 9.04 create it's own /swap. At what point during the new install do I have to tell "Jaunty" to use the existing sda5 as it's /swap partition? Do I use the manual partition option, or one of the other options, since the partitions are already created? I've been working with Linux awhile, but I've still got a lot to learn about non-standard configurations.