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Installing apps specifically R-2.8.1

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    Re: Installing apps specifically R-2.8.1

    Okay,(hope I'm not being a pain), I did what claydoh wrote and everything went fine. No errors clear through the sudo make install. Is it installed? I can't find any way to open it if it is, even tried sudo rkward. What do I try or do now?


      Re: Installing apps specifically R-2.8.1

      It is probably installed but not in your PATH. sudo is not likely to help that. I would expect that it is in /usr/local somewhere. It might have created its own directory there with a bin subdirectory that contains the executable. If not there look in /usr/local/share to see if there might be an r directory. Failing that look in /opt.

      When it was installing it probably told you where it was going, but so fast you did not see it. You might be able to scroll back on your screen and see, or there might be a log file that will tell you what it did.


        Re: Installing apps specifically R-2.8.1

        I ran file find and still can't find the executable. I may start all over from the beginning. How do I uninstall? Trash the folders? This is frustrating, but I'm enjoying the learning I'm getting.


          Re: Installing apps specifically R-2.8.1

          L.A. you are definitely not being a pain.

          no, it should be in your standard kde path iirc, as that is what the "-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`kde4-config --prefix`" is supposed to do
          (it sets up and installs everything to /usr, as is standard in Kubuntu)

          BUT I think I did make a mistake on that part. As it should read -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`kde-config --prefix`
          as I think this is correct for KDE now that KDE4 is the standard KDE version, though it shouldn't matter as the kde prefix and the kde4 prefix are the same.

          So mando is right, it is installed there somewhere

          I am away from my 8.10 system, but I will try building it there soon, but it may be Saturday


            Re: Installing apps specifically R-2.8.1

            Well, been searching, reading and experimenting. Still not solved, but I'm learning alot.
            I may have found the problem, not sure or what to do. Found this in Home/me/rkward-0.5.0c/kde-config --prefix/bin

            export R_binary="$R_HOME_DIR/bin/R"

            ## Location of R may have moved, so check
            if test -x "${R_binary}"; then
            error "R binary ('${R_binary}') not found. Most likely your installation of R has moved to a new location. Please rebuild rkward."

            This make any since? Any suggestions?


              Re: Installing apps specifically R-2.8.1

              that bit of script is simply checking for the existence of R, and the error message to display in the terminal if it cannot find R.

              It isn't an actual error message itself

              I am at a loss so far. I built rkward using the exact instructions above in a virgin 8.10 Intrepid box and it works as expected.

              How exactly are you trying to run it? And what was the exact error message trying to run it from a terminal? Did you uninstall the rkward packages you installed using Adept first? I have both a menu entry, and also simply typing 'rkward' in a terminal runs the program. The executable is /usr/bin/rkward


                Re: Installing apps specifically R-2.8.1

                "How exactly are you trying to run it? And what was the exact error message trying to run it from a terminal?"

                la@R:~$ rkward
                The program 'rkward' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:
                sudo apt-get install rkward
                bash: rkward: command not found

                la@R:~$ sudo rkward
                [sudo] password for la:
                sudo: rkward: command not found

                "Did you uninstall the rkward packages you installed using Adept first?"

                " I have both a menu entry, and also simply typing 'rkward' in a terminal runs the program. The executable is /usr/bin/rkward"

                I'm thinking the problem is I don't know how to get anything into /usr or anywhere except /Home.
                It downloaded to /home/la. I tried to move it to /usr/lib, but couldn't. I compiled it with your directions in /home/la.
                I'm tempted to do a new clean install of everything and starting over. It is frustrating, but at the same time it's interesting and I'm "learning Kubuntu"

