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Reading mp3's on Vista partition

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    Reading mp3's on Vista partition

    I want to know if it's possible to view and listen to my music that I have on my Vista partition of my drive from within Kubuntu. On my desktop I would just install all the music I want on my linux install, but my laptop has limited hdd space. Is there a way to do this? and if so a beginners guide to getting it done. Ideally trying to learn how to do things through the console.

    I looked around a bit and couldn't find the info I need. Thanks!

    Also on a side note, My touchpad is waay too sensitive in kubuntu and i want to turn off the touchpad tap/click function because it keeps selecting things and it's driving me up the wall.

    Re: Reading mp3's on Vista partition

    It is very possible. There are a few ways to do it. If you open the file manager Dolphin you will probably see on the left a "Volume" that is your Windows partition. Just open it. It may ask for your password. If youwant the Windows partition to be always mounted youcan add a line like htis to /etc/fstab. Use
    kdesudo kate /etc/fstab
    to edit that file and add a line like this at the end.
    /dev/sda2 /home/flarson/Windows ntfs defaults,uid=21603,gid=21603
    Make sure you have a new line at the end of the file.
    This line mounts my Windows drive on Windows in my $HOME directory, with read-write permissions for me. It requires that the directory /home/flarson/Windows exist. In you $HOME directory run
    mkdir Windows
    You will want to assign the user id and group id for yourself. They are probably 1000 and 1000. At a terminal run
    and it will show you your id. You also need to change flarson to your username.

    I know Grey Geek told you about medibuntu so you have probably installed some software but let me recommend Amarok for an mp3 player.

    If you want to use a Graphical Interface to mounting you could install mountmanager
    sudo aptitude install mountmanager


      Re: Reading mp3's on Vista partition

      Well I was able to successfully install kubuntu on my desktop, and oddly enough in dolphin I was able to click my music folder on my vista drive ( On this install kubuntu has it's own dedicated 250gig driver) and play mp3's through that after I installed mp3 capability in amararok. I have installed the medibuntu repositories. One problem I noticed was that it was incredibly laggy. changing volume took a few seconds to actually change the volume level. and when I hit stop it took a few seconds to stop. I wonder if this would change if I were to add this to the amarok library? I also have to look into why when I plugged in my ipod I was unable to see the music on it through the dolphin menu. You guys have been great so far


        Re: Reading mp3's on Vista partition

        I don't know about the volume but the stopping lag may well be what they consider an effect, like fade out.


          Re: Reading mp3's on Vista partition

          what I'm going to do is try copying a couple of mp3's over to the kubuntu hdd and see if that has any effect. also I may try a different app as I dont think I like Amerok..

