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3 problems after installing kubuntu 8.10

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    3 problems after installing kubuntu 8.10

    I just installed kubuntu 8.10 and updated the system untill now i idnt install any additional application and found 3 problems :

    1- I thought that they solved the problem of ntfs patitions but here is what i found i could mount any fat32 partitions but when i try to mount ntfs i got error.

    2- I have some files named with arabic letters i opened systemsettings and installed and added the arabic language and added the arabic layout to keyboard but untill now and files named in arabic i see it as ?.* when i open it with openoffice i can read what it contain good the problem appear

    3- i have document and excel files i wrote them with microsoft office on wondows when i open them with open office it open in strange way i have to reedit it and work on them again to use it any way to read these files right without edit

    Re: 3 problems after installing kubuntu 8.10

    For mounting the NTFS partition you can enter this in Konsole:

    sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /media/NameOfAFolderYouCreatedPreviously -o force
    Of course, check what the used partition names in dev are and replace sdb1 with the one you'll need.

    You can also use ntfs-config to do the job for you. Enter this line to install it...

    sudo apt-get install ntfs-config
    It's a front-end that would allow you to mount it by using a simple window with some buttons and boxes, nothing from another world...
    Multibooting: Kubuntu Noble 24.04
    Before: Jammy 22.04, Focal 20.04, Precise 12.04 Xenial 16.04 and Bionic 18.04
    Win XP, 7 & 10 sadly
    Using Linux since June, 2008


      Re: 3 problems after installing kubuntu 8.10

      ok hwich is better ntfs-3g or ntfs-config?


        Re: 3 problems after installing kubuntu 8.10

        If you don't have ntfs-3g, then you should install ntfs-3g (mandatory) and ntfs-config (optional, but it helps a lot).
        Multibooting: Kubuntu Noble 24.04
        Before: Jammy 22.04, Focal 20.04, Precise 12.04 Xenial 16.04 and Bionic 18.04
        Win XP, 7 & 10 sadly
        Using Linux since June, 2008


          Re: 3 problems after installing kubuntu 8.10

          I think its time to see Kubutunu support read and write for ntfs without any additional app it should be by default any way i'll install ntfs-3g and ntfs-config and tell u what happened with me.

          now what about the other problems any suggestions?


            Re: 3 problems after installing kubuntu 8.10

            The linux kernel, and therefore Kubuntu do support read/write to NTFS without additional apps. You just have to use filesystem type ntfs.


              Re: 3 problems after installing kubuntu 8.10

              3- i have document and excel files i wrote them with microsoft office on wondows when i open them with open office it open in strange way i have to reedit it and work on them again to use it any way to read these files right without edit
              i have noticed this with some of the documents i have made @ work, most of the ones i have issues w/ either have pictures in them or for spreadsheets the ones w/ lots of "math" sometimes have issues and i have to fix them and save it as ods format then its all good.
              Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
              (top of thread: thread tools)


                Re: 3 problems after installing kubuntu 8.10

                I created a separate NTFS partition named Win-Shared and moved My Documents to it. Then used Dolphin to mount it my clicking on the partition. The went to terminal and type in Mount to find out it was mounted. Then did a mkdir /media/Win-Shared. Then added this line to FSTAB "/dev/sda4 /media/Win-Shared ntfs-3g,rw,nosuid,nodev,allow_other,blksiz=4096"

                Now I have complete acess.



                  Re: 3 problems after installing kubuntu 8.10

                  On the ntfs point, I think that if, during the install, at the partitioning stage you assign a mount point to the ntfs drive (mount point may be alien as a concept to new users) ntfs will be installed.

                  Openoffice. For maximum compatibility, you need the windows fonts. The easiest way to do it is from within system settings/font installer. From there simply navigate to the windows fonts directory and install them.


                    Re: 3 problems after installing kubuntu 8.10

                    NTFS is now supported in the kernel and requires no extra packages. I have cut and pasted below the output of df, cat /etc/fstab and dpkg -l | grep ntfs to demonstrate that on thei Jaunty box an NTFS partition is mounted, out of fstab and there are no additional packages installed on the computer.

                    Thu Apr 02 15:23 flarson@Orion-FRL 0
                    ~ $df
                    Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
                    /dev/sda6 107534816 40081628 61990688 40% /
                    tmpfs 1016884 0 1016884 0% /lib/init/rw
                    varrun 1016884 340 1016544 1% /var/run
                    varlock 1016884 0 1016884 0% /var/lock
                    udev 1016884 120 1016764 1% /dev
                    tmpfs 1016884 12 1016872 1% /dev/shm
                    lrm 1016884 2760 1014124 1% /lib/modules/2.6.28-11-generic/volatile
                    /dev/sda2 125513904 52265172 73248732 42% /home/flarson/Windows
                    Thu Apr 02 20:32 flarson@Orion-FRL 0
                    ~ $cat /etc/fstab
                    # /etc/fstab: static file system information.
                    # <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
                    proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
                    # /dev/sda6
                    UUID=0afa37fe-557e-4aa0-8bb0-1f9108fe937d / ext3 relatime,errors=remount-ro 0 1
                    # /dev/sda5
                    UUID=0e99d592-3da1-4cd6-a7ca-4c9503c78edf none swap sw 0 0
                    /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec,utf8 0 0
                    /dev/sda2 /home/flarson/Windows ntfs defaults,uid=21603,gid=21603
                    //aircrazy20/C /home/flarson/aircrazy20 cifs user,rw,credentials=/home/flarson/.smb_creds
                    Thu Apr 02 20:32 flarson@Orion-FRL 0
                    ~ $dpkg -l | grep ntfs
                    Thu Apr 02 20:32 flarson@Orion-FRL 0

