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How to make Kubuntu look like Mac OS X

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    How to make Kubuntu look like Mac OS X

    First, Yes I saw the previous almost exact topic, however, when i went to reply, it told me to create a new topic. Second, I don't want my Linux computer to run like a Mac, just look like Mac OS X Leopard. I don't know anything about command prompts and what is compatible with what GUI.

    I found Turn Your Ubuntu Hardy to Mac OS X, which is all fine and dandy...EXCEPT I'm using Kubuntu 8.04.2. it seems while I'm trying to follow even the first few steps that maybe the gtk is not compatible with the KDE GUI. I'm using a 20 GB HP Omnibook 6000 w/ 756MB RAM. I don't mind using Terminal at all. Can someone help me please?

    Re: How to make Kubuntu look like Mac OS X

    To follow that tutorial you need to be running gnome, and not KDE.

    Just install the package ubuntu-desktop, and then when you are done, log out. At the login screen from the menu select gnome and then you are up and running.

    Have fun!


      Re: How to make Kubuntu look like Mac OS X

      Just install the package ubuntu-desktop, and then when you are done, log out. At the login screen from the menu select gnome and then you are up and running.
      Do I have to actually install Ubuntu? or just run a apt-get command? I heard there is a GTK theme editor that I can run on Kubuntu. Do I have to run the GNOME only in order to have the visuals that I want? Or can I run Kubuntu with the KDE environment and still have the appearance the same? Sorry I'm very new to linux.


        Re: How to make Kubuntu look like Mac OS X

        Also, is there a way to change the coding so that it can run on the KDE GUI?


          Re: How to make Kubuntu look like Mac OS X

          You aren't actually installing ubuntu - you are merely installing the ubuntu desktop, which will install gnome and its dependencies. You would still be running kubuntu, albeit with a gnome desktop.

          To be honest I would not know how you could make kde4 look like that, my suspicion is you can't although I would be happy to be proven wrong.


            Re: How to make Kubuntu look like Mac OS X

            If you want a mac-like look, but want to keep KDE, find a tutorial how to make KDE4 look like mac. No appearance-related tutorials for ubuntu will work in kubuntu - kde does not even use gtk, so changing gtk themes is useless.
            I think that you can find some tutorials on how to make kde4 look like mac. Try looking at


              Re: How to make Kubuntu look like Mac OS X

              If you want a mac-like look, but want to keep KDE, find a tutorial how to make KDE4 look like mac.
              I'm not using Kubuntu 8.10 I'm using Kubuntu 8.04.2 which has KDE3 not KDE4 on it. Like I said before, I'm running this on an HP Omnibook 6000 that has 756MB RAM and only 20 GB. So, I don't know if I can even run KDE4 efficiently on my laptop.


                Re: How to make Kubuntu look like Mac OS X

                your best bet is to install the ubuntu-desktop package.
                sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop
                then logout use the sessions menu to change to Gnome. and follow the tutorial you found here
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                  Re: How to make Kubuntu look like Mac OS X


                  Don't get too attached to it since there will probably never be a version that will work with KDE4

