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How do I get my NTFS-formatted External HD to automount?

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    How do I get my NTFS-formatted External HD to automount?


    I have managed to get my normal ntfs-patitions to automount. However, the external HD with my girlfriends three ntfs-partitions won't automount. Since I'm trying to convert her to Kubuntu it would really help if I could fix this.

    thanks in advance.


    Re: How do I get my NTFS-formatted External HD to automount?

    This should be a good discussion. It comes right into the area in which I feel KDE4 has developed a weakness. With KDE 3.5 such a disk would be automatically detected and you would be notified and asked if you wanted to open it when you plugged it in. With KDE4 that does not happen, at least on my system. What I get is a devices icon in the tray that sometimes shows new devices and sometimes doesn't, along with Dolphin that sometimes shows new partitions and sometimes doesn't. I hope the developers have a fix for this in progress, because Jaunty is less without it, unless there is a capability that I have not found.

    Probably my solution would be to plug it in and see what identities it gets. With any luck udev will pick these up and make them permanent. If not, you might want to look into that yourself. Otherwise they may change if you have an mp3 player connected and then plugin the external disk.

    Then I would setup mount points for them, probably within her ~, and add noauto,user to the mount options. This means that when she plugs it in she can mount them without sudo and it will not be mounted at boot. This also means that she must mount them and must unmount them when she is done. Less than perfect. I would sure like to hear what others come up with.


      Re: How do I get my NTFS-formatted External HD to automount?

      I don't know how relevant this is -- I see it is approaching two years old:

      Check it out.


        Re: How do I get my NTFS-formatted External HD to automount?

        I just tried fusermount and I am having trouble seeing any difference between it and the standard method. It appears that the two have grown togeter, although the ntfs-3g packages are still in jaunty. I added myself to the fuse group and was still unable to mount without root permissions unless I added user to the options in fstab and I still have to be sure to unmount it. If I am missing something I sure wish someone would point it out to me.

        Actually, I wish that KDE4 would make this a moot point very soon.


          Re: How do I get my NTFS-formatted External HD to automount?

          Thanks for replies! Very tired so maybe mI malfunction a little right now, but, what is the main trouble? My internal automounts but not the USB one even if both is hooked up at start-up. It's just different busses do me. Don't really understand. Does my internal automount as user on startup then but not the external?


            Re: How do I get my NTFS-formatted External HD to automount?

            I was not very clear about that was I? What I am concerned about is that if you have another USB drive in the computer before you mount the external it might change the device name. For instance if you have one internal disk it is /dev/sda, with partitions sda1,sda2,... Now you add you external disk and it is /dev/sdb, with partitions sdb1, sdb2,sdb3 so you create fstab entries to mount them where you want them. Then you start the computer with no external drive and put in your USB drive and it becomes /dev/sdb. Then your girlfriend comes home and puts in her external drive and it becomes /dev/sdc and the mount points do not work.

