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Any help will be greatly appreciated

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    Re: Any help will be greatly appreciated

    If you can run from the LiveCD you know that certain hardware, such as video card, network card sound card are supported. Then if, after the install, your Nvidia card is not working you know it is only a matter of using the proprietary drivers. That is about the only benefit. The CD also has an option to test the validity of the CD. I have never needed it but some do. My inclination is to think that things worked unless I saw an error and jump in with both feet.


      Re: Any help will be greatly appreciated

      Run from CD. The first thing it will ask is language choice, after that use the default first choice and it takes about 3-5 minutes (or less) to load up. Let me know if you get to the desk top


        Re: Any help will be greatly appreciated

        Lots of great help here people.
        Thank you.
        Almost done with the d'load. will report back soon


          Re: Any help will be greatly appreciated

          Here is a site which explains how to install the Kubuntu MCE

          A lot of times folks just download the iso and burn it without doing an md5sum check against it to verify that the download was good. So, sometimes, their CD is bad.

          The reason I asked you to check your hardware with a LiveCD of Kubntu is that it will automatically detect and configure your hardware. IF it can display the KDE desktop then you know that your video is recognized. If it can't then you know that you have to chose the "safe" mode and then download and install the appropriate video drivers. However, for NVIDIA chips I would be surprised if the LiveCD did not detect and configure the video properly..
          "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
          – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


            Re: Any help will be greatly appreciated

            And we have a desktop...
            woohoo!!! you guys rock.
            I suppose I'll stumble around a bit and try to learn how to use it.
            I presume that a straight install would be in order now; no?


              Re: Any help will be greatly appreciated

              You got it. Then we can get the proprietary drivers installed so you get hardware rendering, and you can get a look at the new KDE, which is really great, but takes a little learning.


                Re: Any help will be greatly appreciated

                Doin' a victory bhonghit, on all of your behalf, while the integrity check runs...



                  Re: Any help will be greatly appreciated

                  Well... here we are.
                  got a desktop, but it looks like maybe I still need to config driver
                  also... logitech bluetooth kdb and mouse driver...


                    Re: Any help will be greatly appreciated

                    Is there something similar to device mangler?


                      Re: Any help will be greatly appreciated

                      To find out about the driver you could open a terminal (K->Applications->System->Terminal) and run glxinfo. Scroll back to the top of all the output and it will say something about hardware rendering. If you got it your fine, if not you need the driver.


                        Re: Any help will be greatly appreciated

                        Kind of. At the terminal run
                        sudo aptitude install kinfocenter
                        It is just info though, doesn't control device support. The linux kernel does that on its own by loading modules.


                          Re: Any help will be greatly appreciated

                          sudo glxinfo



                            Re: Any help will be greatly appreciated

                            glxinfo does not appear to mention anything about hardware rendering


                              Re: Any help will be greatly appreciated

                              I thought so. It is currently running with the Xorg nv driver. You need to enable proprietary drivers and then install it. I am a little surprised that your system has not suggested this.

                              You can uncomment the entries in /etc/apt/sources.list or work with the GUI to do this.
                              sudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list

                              will get you editing the sources. You should probably comment any deb-src lines unless you intend to build packages from source. Any line starting with a # is a comment. You want to uncomment lines that refer to universe and multiverse, but probably not the src lines.

                              sudo aptitude update
                              followed by sudo aptitude search nvidia
                              and sudo aptitude install nvidia-glx nvidia-kernel-source nvidia-settings

                              This should pull in the 180 version of the drivers and keep you updated for newer versions.


                                Re: Any help will be greatly appreciated

                                I thought by the time I finished that someone else would have described the GUI method. Basicly, open K->Adept-> Settings-> Edit Software Sources. Enable proprietary and restricted software. It should update itself and you can then find the drivers and install them.

                                If you want good multimedia programs like Amarok you will want to add these 2 lines

                                #deb-src intrepid free non-free
                                deb jaunty free non-free

                                You probably want to look at

                                By the way your coughing brings back some great memories.

