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Any help will be greatly appreciated

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    Any help will be greatly appreciated

    Just installed the latest Kubuntu MCE on my Sager 9750 small boat anchor.

    Nvidia GO 7800GTX
    4 GB
    AMD FX60 dual-core

    Should be all good... I hope.

    I am completely new to Linux. I won't even know how to run an app, if I ever get inside.

    Kubuntu loads, with a very soothing logo and progress bar...
    Then drops to a black screen, no display.
    I have been reading for a day now, and still no closer to video...
    I have the nvidia drivers, I think (, on another PC.
    If I had, even "safe mode", video, I MIGHT be able to figure out how to use this file.
    I have absolutely no clue (YET) where to start from the "command line" that I CAN get to.


    Even HELP gets me gasping for air a bit... and I'm pretty good from the Windows command line.
    Can anyone here guide me through getting me into the GUI? Or getting my driver loaded?
    I PRESUME this is a video driver issue.


    Re: Any help will be greatly appreciated

    Just curious --- did you try the Kubuntu LiveCD before you installed it?
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


      Re: Any help will be greatly appreciated

      Negative... My bad I'm sure. I can do that if needed I suppose.
      Will that be a fresh d'load? Or can I do it from the DVD I have?
      I burned the LinuxMCE 0710 DVD...


        Re: Any help will be greatly appreciated

        It may be a video driver problem but it may not. Depending on which CD you used you my just need to upgrade the installation to the latest. If you used the Jaunty CD this is almost certainly true and can not hurt in any case. It will also get you started. So..

        Ctl-Alt-F1 will get you to virtual terminal 1. (2-6 are also available, 7 is X the GUI) Login and run "sudo aptitude update"
        type in your password (not roots password) to get root privileges
        files download, database updates prompt returns...
        "sudo aptitude -f full-upgrade"

        Thinks a bit, lists packages it wants to install, maybe some it wants to remove and asks if this is all right. Tell it yes. (At this point if you want anything other than yes you need to get a new CD and start over).

        Many programs download and install. If any are linux-image-xxx... you need to reboot, if not you probably could get by with
        "sudo invoke-rc.d kdm stop" followed by
        "sudo invoke-rc.d kdm start"
        which stop and restarts kdm, the K Display Manager. But then again it may have installed some other things that you want to activate so it might be best to do
        "sudo reboot"

        And now with any luck you are presented with a KDM login screen. GUI or no it would now be time to install the Nvidia drivers, but how we do that will depend on your situation, but know that Kubuntu has packaged the Nvidia drivers so you can install them more easily than the .run package nvidia provides.


          Re: Any help will be greatly appreciated

          The last thing I see is "starting samba"

          CTRL-ALT-F1 doesn't appear to do anything. At least nothing I can see.


            Re: Any help will be greatly appreciated

            Now I get a dcerouter_1:~# prompt...
            I did have grub>...
            le sigh

            bash: sudo: command not found


              Re: Any help will be greatly appreciated

              Starting to sound like a network problem. Are you using an ethernet connection?


                Re: Any help will be greatly appreciated

                A little cross posting here. The # prompt indicates that you are root already so you don't need sudo.


                  Re: Any help will be greatly appreciated

                  I do have an eth connection plugged in...


                    Re: Any help will be greatly appreciated

                    OK. so you are sitting at the root prompt and should have network. To make sure type
                    ifconfig and hit enter.

                    should see something like
                    eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:e0:29:1b:f4:41
                    inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
                    inet6 addr: fe80::2e0:29ff:fe1b:f441/64 Scope:Link
                    UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1
                    RX packets:99967515 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:1
                    TX packets:62353169 errors:1603 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:1603
                    collisions:4397366 txqueuelen:1000
                    RX bytes:79628698373 (74.1 GiB) TX bytes:18188619485 (16.9 GiB)
                    Interrupt:21 Base address:0x1000

                    Do you have inet addr:, although a different number?


                      Re: Any help will be greatly appreciated

                      I have an IP, but it didn't come from my dhcp... the network is wrong... My network is

                      ifconfig shows eth0 as


                        Re: Any help will be greatly appreciated

                        Originally posted by mando_hacker

                        "invoke-rc.d kdm stop" followed by
                        "invoke-rc.d kdm start"
                        which stop and restarts kdm, the K Display Manager. But then again it may have installed some other things that you want to activate so it might be best to do
                        Back to black screen after "invoke-rc.d kdm start"


                          Re: Any help will be greatly appreciated

                          Well, at least you are running and able to get a prompt. That means you can try some things. I looked briefly at LinuxMCE and it appears to be using Kubuntu 7.10. Your hardware might be a little newer than your current software can handle. So now we need to get your software updated from the command line. We can do that, but I can not say if LinuxMCE is designed to update from Kubuntu repositories.

                          It might be best if you consider using their Beta that is based on 8.10, as that probably has support for your hardware.

                          Depending on your final goal it might be best to downoad and install a straight Kubuntu CD.


                            Re: Any help will be greatly appreciated

                            Originally posted by mando_hacker

                            It might be best if you consider using their Beta that is based on 8.10, as that probably has support for your hardware.

                            Depending on your final goal it might be best to downoad and install a straight Kubuntu CD.
                            This being your first Linux Distro I highly recommend running a LiveCD - Try downloading the Kubuntu *.iso or another distro of your choice and running it straight from the CD.
                            There were some distros that would not work with my computer but this was easier than running a full install and not being able to get to my desktop. Some distros after upgrade lost the desktop, but Ubuntu based distros give you an opportunity to revert back to the previous kernel upon boot.
                            Let us know what happens


                              Re: Any help will be greatly appreciated

                              Downloading 8.10-desktop-i386.iso now... I presume this will do the trick? Clean install...
                              Is the LiveCD just so that nothing gets whacked? There is nothing to whack. Run from CD still? or just install...?

