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Wired Networking Dead...?

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    Wired Networking Dead...?

    As I mentioned in my other topic about the odd video resolution issues I was having... My once working Kubuntu setup decided to suddenly stop seeing my network over a wired connection... But it seems to be a Linux only issue as rebooting this guy into Windows XP I can see the network just fine.... So that says something in Linux suddenly decided it didn't want to use the network jack on my nforce2 board. Any ideas on how to fix that... or even where to start...?

    Also I had some issues with NetworkMonitor eating up 50% cpu time (not user time either) & eating up RAM until my system crashed... So I had to kill the service several times... Are these related even if NetworkMonitor (As I understand it) only looks for changes in the connections and adjusts settings...? Leaving it running on a restart just causes my PC to crash without working network connections anyways...

    Re: Wired Networking Dead...?

    Can you link your network problem to an event eg installing or updating something?

    Also, please do a search in adept for "network". What packages do you have installed with the word "network" in the title?


      Re: Wired Networking Dead...?

      No events stand out as I was using it the night before... Come back the next day (without even turning it off) and refresh the internet tab I'd last been on to see a network error message that the site can't be found... Haven't changed any software for a couple days now though...

      As for what's installed that comes up on a search for 'network':
      Zenmap, Wireshark, KNetAttach, & KNetworkManager

      Since my day job is as a windows network admin I grabbed the first two awhile back when I setup this machine...


        Re: Wired Networking Dead...?


        I have no experience of the first 3 software items although would assume that they are to log into a windows network?

        My understanding is that KNetworkManager is simply the KDE front end for NetworkManager, so I think you need to have the latter installed.


          Re: Wired Networking Dead...?

          Adapt's description of 'KNetAttach' states that it is "required runtime components for Kubuntu"

          As for the first two... One monitors packets on a network & the other is a frontend for NMAP... Neither should hurt anything...

          In fact Wireshark sees my usual network traffic If I tell it to capture packets off of Eth0... Yet I don't have a I{P address from DHCP (even though I can see DHCP packets wandering around). It's very weird, like it thinks it should be using a different device or something...


            Re: Wired Networking Dead...?

            For a description of what knetattach does :


            What seems to be missing from your list is networkmanager


            That provides the basic networking functionality to which knetworkmanager is just a front end. It should be installed by default.


              Re: Wired Networking Dead...?

              It was installed, I didn't uninstall it & seeing the way adept organizes things is probably obscured by being a required component of KnetworkManager... it's also the process that seemed to have a memory leak on this system, as I mentioned having to kill process it...

              It is still installed as well, since it runs every time I restart the PC... Then gobbles 50+% CPU system time & 300+ MB of ram (largest process running by over 50x)... Then the PC locks up. Unless I kill it...


                Re: Wired Networking Dead...?


                If networkmanager is forced into a spin like that, I would suggest there is a link between that and your failure to connect. I seriously wonder whether one of the other apps is conflicting with networkmanager.

                At this point do you actually need to use Zenmap, Wireshark, and KNetAttach? My recommendation to start off would be to uninstall them, delete your wired connection settings via knetworkmanager and set it up again. Establish the basic connection then reboot. Do you still get the issue?

                If not, then 1 by one repeat the installation of the other apps and reboot. Does the problem resurface at any point?


                  Re: Wired Networking Dead...?

                  Follow my instructions here and you will be up and running again in no time. You are a network administrator so you should not have any problem with the instructions.



                    Re: Wired Networking Dead...?

                    Well now it doesn't work at all... upon bootup it gets to a line that reads "*Checking Battery State...." and then sits there... no graphical interface starts and even given half an hour of sitting there nothing happens...

                    I'm thinking about just whipping Kubuntu off and leaving it as windows... It's been a pain to setup for what should be painless...


                      Re: Wired Networking Dead...?

                      Well, that's a whole new problem. I don't think it's connected to your networking issues.

                      At the grub menu selection screen, highlight the kernel command line and press "e" to edit that line. Add acpi=off to the end of the line, press enter then b to boot your computer.

                      If it boots OK with acpi off we will know that's the problem.


                        Re: Wired Networking Dead...?

                        Adding 'acpi=off' doesn't seem to have done anything... Stops at the same place.

                        I've installed ubuntu on older systems (with alternative install) with less issues than this...


                          Re: Wired Networking Dead...?

                          If it's not acpi, I don't know what it could be.


                            Re: Wired Networking Dead...?

                            I decided to give things one more go with a fresh install... Now I only have to wait another 2 days for all the updates to finish...

