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No Sound when playing movies in VLC after KDE4.2 upgrade?(solved)

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    No Sound when playing movies in VLC after KDE4.2 upgrade?(solved)

    Dragon player works fine, Mplayer works, but no sound with VLC for me in 4.2

    I'm not really all that picky really so Dragon is fine for my needs, but I did like VLC before.

    Re: No Sound when playing movies in VLC after KDE4.2 upgrade?

    No sound with flash video from the internet either....

    Dang, I've gotta find how to fix this..


      Re: No Sound when playing movies in VLC after KDE4.2 upgrade?

      Nevermind.... I guess when it upgraded it reset some of the settings in the mixer.

      Had me scared for a minute.


        Re: No Sound when playing movies in VLC after KDE4.2 upgrade?(solved)

        Let me know how you fixed it!
        Can't live without VLC. Dragon won't play .img-files and I don't know how to do that else. Still new to Linux and a complete lamer.



          Re: No Sound when playing movies in VLC after KDE4.2 upgrade?(solved)

          Have you explored the kmixer icon in the system tray? It's easy to overlook turning on a channel and silencing your machine as a result.

          Double click on it and you should see the mixer window. Check the playback tab, Look for playback items where the green light is not lit.

          A kmix manual is here

          I'm not sure about your reference to VLC. Are you saying you miss it (i.e you have it in Windows) but have only found Dragon? If that's right, you can get VLC from within your package manager.



            Re: No Sound when playing movies in VLC after KDE4.2 upgrade?(solved)

            Sorry .. not offering any solution. Just wanted to add my woes on this as well. I use kde 4.1 and I have two options with my firefox.

            a) VLC player ... it plays wmv and other files just fine ... except after every few seconds, the audio stops, then the video also freezes, yet the slider keeps moving forwards (i.e., it is receiving data). If I then hit the mouse somewhere else on the progress slider, the movie will play again just fine (with sound), but again after a few seconds, the audio disappears and then the video will freeze again and so on ...

            b) mplayer ... plays the wmv files just fine ... but there are NO CONTROLS whatsoever. I tried using the arrow keys and page up/down keys ... nothing happens. I tried right clicking video but there is no pop up menu (some sites said there should be pop up menu where I can check "show controls" but nothring is there).

            So overall ... I am not able to use either VLC or mplayer satisfactorily. What other options do I have?


              Re: No Sound when playing movies in VLC after KDE4.2 upgrade?(solved)

              Okay, you might find this helpful



                Re: No Sound when playing movies in VLC after KDE4.2 upgrade?(solved)

                My problem is that the ever-so-stabile VLC only give sound to movies after that i first have watched them in Dragonplayer. Strange? Yes.

