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Rsync options for exact copy on FAT32 external drive

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    Rsync options for exact copy on FAT32 external drive

    Been looking around for rsync help on the web and here... and have decided on using Grsync to make an exact copy of my data on an external drive (and then of course keep it in sync in the years to come).

    Since the data will need to be accessed on Windows machines, I don't want any permissions or owner/group info, and the Delete on destination flag seems appropriate...

    I am wondering though why an app such as Grsync wouldn't have "Copy symlinks as symlinks" and "Copy hardlinks as hardlinks" checked on by default... am I missing something?

    Anyone using either Grsync or just Rsync here that is doing what I want.... i.e. creating and maintaining an exact copy of your data? Thanks.