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Dell Optiplex GX260 - Black screen, blinking cursor

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    Dell Optiplex GX260 - Black screen, blinking cursor

    I've been attempting to install Kubuntu on my dell optiplex. There's not much to the machine really.

    2.2ghz processor
    512mb of ram
    40gh HD
    Nvidia MX440 64mb graphics
    Intel Chipset

    I've attempted to install with and without the graphics card and continue to get what people are calling the black screen of death. I've tried all boot options under F6. The only means i've found to get the install to proceed is to use the manufacturers install. This then fails when it tries to load the login screen and promptly freezes.

    I'm looking for any help I can get on this issue. Assume I know nothing about the linux command structure and we should get along great.

    In order to keep this posting on topic. Meaning the installation of Kubuntu on the optiplex. I am making it known now that I have NO INTEREST in other distributions of linux. I simply want kubuntu with all its features to work on the optiplex.

    Please provide any help you can. You can best reach me at

    I should note that windows XP installed without a single wimper.

    "He has thrown down the gauntlet."

    Re: Dell Optiplex GX260 - Black screen, blinking cursor

    Which disk are you trying to install from? The Desktop (LiveCD) or the Alternative (straight install).

    You might have better luck with the Alternative. Look at
    "A problem well stated is a problem half solved." --Charles F. Kettering
    "Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."--Dr. Seuss


      Re: Dell Optiplex GX260 - Black screen, blinking cursor

      Which Kubuntu are you trying to install? On such an ancient desktop like GX260 I would try something more lightweight like Hardy Heron with KDE 3.5.10. Part of you problem might be old graphic card that doesn't support KDE4 desktop effect. Before installing try running Live CD to check out overall performance.


        Re: Dell Optiplex GX260 - Black screen, blinking cursor

        I'm using the straight install disk, Kubuntu 8.10. I've got a friend of mine who has Ubuntu 8.10 running on his gx260. He's not been able to wrap his head around the issue either. We attempted Ubuntu on my machine last night with no avail. Our machines are Identical with the exception of the graphics cards. We've tried to install with and without the card with no effect. We compared hardware and bios. We have the same model ram, motherboard, and processor. I know how much you guys dislike this, but I've had XP running for a month now on this machine with no issues. I'm beginning to wonder if my friend just got lucky on the install.

        I've found a few boot parameters to try based on other info I found online.
        I've tried: fb=false
        video=16:no* not sure if thats right or not. I didnt commit to memory.

        This was all based on the idea that graphics is the issue. I'm not sure where to go from here. I dont know how to make this system toss an error to see what its choking on.

        If anyone knows how to make the software talk please let me know. I dont want to have to get out the ole spotlight, battery and jumper cables.


          Re: Dell Optiplex GX260 - Black screen, blinking cursor

          Ok, I've used the alternate CD as suggested. I've gotten as far as getting kubuntu installed. I now have two white dots in the middle of my screen. It does not give me the option to log in and seems to be frozen.

          Has anyone experienced this before?


            Re: Dell Optiplex GX260 - Black screen, blinking cursor

            If you Google: ubuntu Dell Optiplex GX260

            Top of the results is . (Possibly a bit old at 2006.)
            It talks about two white blocks:
            Okay. I have just ried to install 6.06.01 to the GX260 using the alternate CD. Yes I have the whit-box thingymabob again. You stated for a "short while" I'll just let it sit there then or should I go ahead and reboot.
            It's Loaded! The two white blocks will stay on your screen for 15-30 minutes and then the CD will kick open. At which time you can reboot the machine.
            "A problem well stated is a problem half solved." --Charles F. Kettering
            "Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."--Dr. Seuss


              Re: Dell Optiplex GX260 - Black screen, blinking cursor

              On a whim this morning I turned the optiplex on again. I went in to add and remove some boot parameters. I removed all instances of "quiet splash" from all lines of code and I added fb=false. It then booted. I had the desktop for 5 minutes and then the system froze. I restarted. Followed the exact same procedure with no effect. This was all without my graphics card. I've attempted the same with the graphics card and go zero results. Anyone know what may have happened??

