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unable to access wireless connection after installing

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    unable to access wireless connection after installing

    March 17th 2009 12:10 HRS (Eastern)

    Hello; I am a newcomer to the kubuntu forum and not quite sure how to explain this but here goes,

    I recently received the live CD for kubuntu 8.10 which I requested at the Kubuntu web site. I have virtualy no experience at all with linux/kubuntu having only recently made the transition from paid comercial software to open source. I am basically just a home pc user who uses his machine to read news online, download audio books and send email. So far, I'm impressed with what Kubuntu has to offer, have made the switch and am recommending it to friends and aquaintainces.

    A few days ago, I gave a neighbor my copy of the Kubuntu 8.10 Live CD to try and yesterday, he told me that since he installed it, he is unable to access his home wireless service. I offered to take a look and see if I might be able to figure out a solution for his problem but he was occupied and said that it would be best if I visited him the next day. I haven't heard back from him yet but I've been exploring my own kubuntu machine for possible solutions and am not having much luck.

    If anyone has any suggestions or insights they might like to share about how to enable wireless access after a new kubuntu 8.10 installation it would be greatly appreciated.



    Re: unable to access wireless connection after installing

    Go to and page down to question #8
    "A problem well stated is a problem half solved." --Charles F. Kettering
    "Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."--Dr. Seuss


      Re: unable to access wireless connection after installing


