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Help Please!

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    Help Please!

    Yesterday i broke my windows! So im gonna try to fix it from kubuntu cause i got a dualboot. But if i cant fix it and need to reformat can i backup my files inside kubuntu and if i use my restore cd from emachines (not an xp cd but a norton ghost) will my files/kubuntu installation still remain and yes i know i have to reinstall grub but im just not sure if kubuntu will stay so i can backup files onto it.

    Also my problem is im getting a bsod after windows loading slash screen and it does the same thing in safe mode too!

    All i did is use system restore and after that it broke! If you can help please save me from reformatting! I was using comodo products and after that IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL bsod started coming up after every shutdown so i just did system restore and taht just made it worse and the bsod now says nothing is broken, just a plain bsod.

    Re: Help Please!


    If you will choose to restore windows partition only (I think I can remember there was an option like this, it shouldn't touch grub and linux partitions...

    Good luck


      Re: Help Please!

      Originally posted by Coolio10
      Also my problem is im getting a bsod after windows loading slash screen and it does the same thing in safe mode too!

      All i did is use system restore and after that it broke! If you can help please save me from reformatting! I was using comodo products and after that IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL bsod started coming up after every shutdown so i just did system restore and taht just made it worse and the bsod now says nothing is broken, just a plain bsod.
      Have you tryed booting into safe mode (done by pressing F8 after picking windows from grub)? Sorry you dont sound that much of a noob, but then your are using system restore.


        Re: Help Please!

        Im sure i mentioned safe mode doesnt work either


          Re: Help Please!

          Hey depending on the restore disk, sometimes it just completely WIPES the drive in that case you need some externel form to backup data, if you are using NTFS which I am assuming you are and if you have linux setup to read NTFS you might be able to access you NTFS partion, and copy data to CD-ROM, DVD-ROM. I am almost positive that without a regular WINDOWS disk meaning OEM that it will wipe your drive though

          Better get some CD's.....

          Oh and how is your windows screwed up exactly Imight be able to help you fix it without reinstalling it 8)


            Re: Help Please!

            Originally posted by sleeksilver
            Oh and how is your windows screwed up exactly Imight be able to help you fix it without reinstalling it 8)
            Originally posted by Coolio10
            my problem is im getting a bsod after windows loading slash screen and it does the same thing in safe mode too!

            All i did is use system restore and after that it broke! If you can help please save me from reformatting! I was using comodo products and after that IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL bsod started coming up after every shutdown so i just did system restore and taht just made it worse and the bsod now says nothing is broken, just a plain bsod.
            <br /><br />*temp. hiatus from forums due to comp + net broken* :&#039;(


              Re: Help Please!

              ok, lets see, how are your HDD's set up? Let me know if you have more than one but I am assuming that you only have one with 2 or more partions?

