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Question regarding updates if Jaunty Alpha 6 installed

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    Question regarding updates if Jaunty Alpha 6 installed


    Just curious if I download and install Jaunty Alpha 6 , would I expect it to perform automatic
    updates and eventually become the Beta version and then eventually the 9.04 version or would
    the later versions need to be downloaded and installed .....

    I have 8.10 and it is downloading updates quite often , although I do not believe it will
    become 9.10 , so just curious what the update limit of the Apha 6 jaunty is...

    Thanks for any clarification.... George

    Re: Question regarding updates if Jaunty Alpha 6 installed

    Originally posted by sydney
    Just curious if I download and install Jaunty Alpha 6 , would I expect it to perform automatic
    updates and eventually become the Beta version and then eventually the 9.04 version
    Yes. If you keep it up to date you will end up with the latest release available (beta, RC, final)

    Originally posted by sydney
    I have 8.10 and it is downloading updates quite often , although I do not believe it will
    become 9.10 , so just curious what the update limit of the Apha 6 jaunty is...
    It is possible to upgrade your distro (eg. from intrepid to jaunty) via apt, however that method gave me more headaches than a clean install.


      Re: Question regarding updates if Jaunty Alpha 6 installed

      Thanks Musta ,

      Yes I agree when I updated from one distro to another , I had more trouble than a clean install.

      Nice to hear you can start with the Alpha and progress to Final version. So far with my installs
      it seems the update notifications occur automatically so it is not difficult to keep up to date.

      I will do a clean install.... George


        Re: Question regarding updates if Jaunty Alpha 6 installed

        If you do not have a separate /home partition make sure to backup your files in the /home directory, otherwise when doing a clean install you will lose them.
        If you have a separate /home partition be careful NOT to format it when doing the install.


          Re: Question regarding updates if Jaunty Alpha 6 installed

          I upgraded from Intrepid to Jaunty with almost no problems. I simply edited the /etc/apt/sources.list file (and those in /etc/apt/sources.list.d, if any) and changed every intrepid to jaunty, ran
          "sudo aptitude update"
          "sudo aptitude -f full-upgrade"
          and let it work. It did have problems like I had to tell it to install a newer version of the Nvidia drivers and at that time knetworkmanager was not in 4.2, which it is now, but it was remarkably trouble free.

          I would suggest that you not be afraid to upgrade from one distribution to the next. I have done it for years with Debian and while you will sometimes see minor problems they are soon resolved. My brief experience with Ubuntu indicates Ubuntu is still Debian and retains that huge integrity.

