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Identification of processes

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    Identification of processes

    I've been-slowly-learning to use the Konsole, and the ability to spontaneously end processes using the kill command (and various variations thereof) looks to be pretty useful. However, when using the ps command to get a list of processes, I'm not entirely sure how to differentiate between, for instance, the program I WANT to end and other processes which it may not be a good idea to stop.

    For instance, if a game that I experimentally downloaded freezes up--not causing anything else to freeze--I'd like to be able to figure out which process in the list to cancel--given that the processes are only identified by numbers and types, such as "bash" and "ps."

    Re: Identification of processes

    you could find the command using ctrl+esc(default) to run ksysguard. and add the command colum and check by pid
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      Re: Identification of processes

      You can add options to 'ps' to give more detailed output of the processes. 'ps aux' is often used to get a complete list of processes (see 'man ps') for more.

      A handy tool for CLI is 'htop' (installable from the repos), it's a spiced up version of top, with the ability to kill selected process with F9, among other things. (if you wish to kill root processes, use 'sudo htop').


        Re: Identification of processes

        Thanks! This stuff will definitely come in handy. I appreciate the help.

