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setting up a partition for /home<solved>

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    setting up a partition for /home<solved>

    It's been a wild kubuntu ride for me the last few weeks. It started out with my 12g hd drive getting so full (I only had 304mb available) that the gui would not boot. So I did a windows thing and ordered a new computer. while I was waiting I did what several things that this forum suggested including removing strigi. Wow, did that work! My 12g hd was now only using 3.4g. That was great but I already had a new box ordered with a 250g hd.
    So I get the new box, with no operating system installed, and start to do a clean install of 8.04. First problem. The resolution was such that the mouse pointer was about 3 inches long and all I could see of a page was the top left 3 or 4 inches of a page. Now what do I do? Tried again in safe mode and it worked. I got everything installed and working then remembered that this forum suggested having a separate /home partition. So I read up, installed gparted, printing out the steps to take, etc.
    I booted up to the live cd again, going to the "try" portion as suggested, and get to the point were it says to open gparted and it's not there! The guide I was using was written for Ubuntu which I understand comes with a partition editor installed. I then decided to reinstall so I could manually set up the partitions but I couldn't understand how to do it (I had only used the default partitions before). I have read everything I can find about /home partitions. Can anyone help me out?

    Re: setting up a partition for /home

    Partitioning—how to, Rog131:

    It's best sometimes to use GParted Live CD:
    GParted (Live CD, USB, HD)

    In 8.04, you must install gparted (using Adept Manager or using sudo apt-get install gparted, then you'll find it under K > System > Partition Manager).

    You might also do a Search on this forum for setting up a separate /home or moving your home. It's easy to set up a separate home before installing, but changing its location after installation may require some details.

    Fresh installation:
    Run GParted Live CD to do your partitioning and formatting (usually ext3).
    Run The Live Kubuntu CD installer to Install.
    Using the Live CD Desktop installer,
    Step 4: Select Manual partitioning method (the last choice).
    Step 5: This is where you click on the partitions you want to use for root /, /home, swap.
    (Select a partition, then click Edit, then fill in the choices using the boxes like "use for..." and mount point.)

    An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


      Re: setting up a partition for /home

      thanks Qqmike, the partitioning first then a fresh install did the trick. But just so you know, I had installed gparted and searched these forums on how to do it. Your suggestion to use live cd gparted first then do a fresh install was new to these forums as far as I can find.
      thanks again.

