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How do I load modules at startup?

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    How do I load modules at startup?

    Hi there

    I'm very new to Linux / Kubuntu so this is probably a real "newbie" question!

    I am running Kubuntu breezy on an IBM X30 and am trying to get the thinkpad buttons utility to work at start up.

    I have added nvram module to /etc/modules so it now appears in /dev/ when I boot up.

    If I then use mknod and chnod as instructed and restart my session it works fine - volume and screen brightness levels displayed on screen when I press the buttons - great!

    BUT - if I restart the laptop it all stops working! nvram is still in /dev/ but the thinkpad buttons utility says it is not loaded?

    What do I need to do to make the thinkpad buttons utility recognise the nvram module automatically at start up?

    Re: How do I load modules at startup?

    Have you tried this:

    Ubuntu on IBM Thinkpad T42

    Thinkpad Buttons

    First, create a new group called nvram:
    sudo addgroup nvram

    Then add yourself to this group:
    sudo adduser [username] nvram

    Make sure that the nvram module gets loaded automatically on boot. Add nvram to /etc/modules on a new line.

    Finally make sure that udev gives read/write permissions for the /dev/nvram device to all members of the nvram group. Make sure your /etc/udev/permissions.d/udev.permissions has the following lines:

    Before you edit, BACKUP !

    Why there are dead links ?
    1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
    2. Thread: Lost Information

