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Resolution Display Issues

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    Resolution Display Issues

    Hello everyone, I'm brand new to Kubuntu and so far I'm loving it. I've searched through various posts and have not had any luck finding a solution to my problem. =( I'm a current Windows XP user and have Kubuntu installed on a VMWare virtual machine. I am, however, having issues with changing the screen resolution to fit my entire laptop screen / external monitor. The virtual machine boots up in 800x600 resolution and when I change the resolution to 1600x1200 everything looks fine until I open up a new application (ie. Konsole, Firefox, etc.). The scrollbar, maximize, minimize, window close buttons all look fine, but the menu buttons (ie. File, Edit, View) and icons (Back Button, Forward Button, Refresh Button) are still very large. It seems like the window itself knows that it's in 1600x1200 resolution, but everything inside the window still thinks it's in 800x600. I've tried a variety of resolutions with no luck. One odd thing that I did notice was that if I rebooted the virtual machine with the resolution set at 1600x1200, at start-up, the screen goes back to 800x600 and when I go to System Settings > Display (as soon as I click on it), it readjusts to what the resolution was before the reboot, but still give me the problems with incorrect resolution within the window...

    If anyone has any suggestions, I'd really appreciate your help!


    Re: Resolution Display Issues

    You probably need to set the display res'n in in kubuntu so it matches the VM resolution ( kmenu/ystem settings/display)

    Once you have done that from within system settings have a play with the appearance options, where you can make adjustments to font sizes etc.




      Re: Resolution Display Issues

      Would be helpful if you posted a screenshot...cause I'm not 100% that I'm understanding you correctly.

      Install Guest tools.

      If that doesn't work then you can try:
      Set VM to desired resolution. Force Kubuntu to same resolution: that should fix it to the desired setting for everything.

