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Installing wine- the windows API for linux

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    Installing wine- the windows API for linux

    Hey all,
    I heard that package wine gives us the ability to run windows .exe applications in Kubuntu. So I tried to install and give it a try.

    But I got a problem when install it. I tried it through the adept manager and it gives the following error and then the installation failed.
    Commit failed.
    To continue, hit ok and we will try to recover. If you close the application now, we will not do anything and you may try to resolve the problem manually.
    (If you suspect this is a bug in Adept, please also provide the following exception description in the report).

    The error was:
    APT Error. Context:
    Running dpkg,
    [ /usr/bin/dpkg, --status-fd, 3, --unpack, /var/cache/apt/archives/wine_1.0.1-0ubuntu2_i386.deb ],
    Sup-process returned error code 1,
    Error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/wine_1.0.1-0ubuntu2_i386.deb : trying to overwrite `/usr/bin/widl', which is also in package wine-dev.
    I don't know what to do!!!!!

    A help will be much apreciated.

    --------<br />Kasun Gajasinghe,<br />University of Moratuwa,<br />Sri Lanka.<br /><br />Blog:<br />Twitter:

    Re: Installing wine- the windows API for linux

    You might want to try installing the newest version from Wine's repository. Here's the page on this.
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      Re: Installing wine- the windows API for linux

      I tried it. But it also gives an error saying
      overwrite error when trying to write this file:
      usr/share/man/man1/wrc.1.gz which is in the wine-dev package.

      I think the reason is I'm installing wine without admin.(It didn't ask for password) so can anyone tell me how to run gdebi in admin mode. GUI with admin rights is better

      Thanks in advance
      --------<br />Kasun Gajasinghe,<br />University of Moratuwa,<br />Sri Lanka.<br /><br />Blog:<br />Twitter:


        Re: Installing wine- the windows API for linux

        There is no reason to be installing from a .deb file to begin with... but first, what version are you using, specifically, which KDE version... 3? 4?

        You can try running some code to clean up some of the Adept errors...

        sudo dpkg --configure -a
        might help.

        sudo apt-get -f install
        might help.


          Re: Installing wine- the windows API for linux

          So anyway,
          sudo apt-get install wine
          should install the stable version from the standard repos * no .deb file needed. If it doesn't work, you probably just need to "activate" the third party repos...

          A general rule to remember, is that you rarely need to install from a .deb file... repositories are available for most all apps... whether you use the unstable WineHQ repos, or perhaps a google repo for Picasa, etc... it is always easier to use to a repo than install from deb (because you get all the updates ~automatically - which might not be what you want, but for most it is a good thing).

          And your other question about how to run gdebi in admin... I thought it would have been:
          kdesudo gdebi-kde
          on KDE4, but that is not giving me teh expected result... if you did:
          kdesudo gdebi-kde wine.deb
          (replace wine.deb with whatever package you are trying to install - might work)


            Re: Installing wine- the windows API for linux

            I'm using kde version 4.1.
            I think the matter is not in the kde and the error generated above is generated from "adept manager" which means that app is from a repository, right?
            But before I install through it, I tried to install it through .deb files. I think that is the reason for it. all files are jumbled here and there i think
            (I installed wine with too many dependencies.)

            sudo dpkg --configure -a
            didn't solve my problem.
            thanks for that anyway, kjjjjshab

            any-way what is package wine-dev is for? I think thats the one causing problems!!!

            Please give me some help. I really need to some apps which only present in windoze.

            --------<br />Kasun Gajasinghe,<br />University of Moratuwa,<br />Sri Lanka.<br /><br />Blog:<br />Twitter:


              Re: Installing wine- the windows API for linux

              The wine-dev package is for developing wine and wouldn't be to run Windows programs. If you added the repositories like the page said that I posted last time, all you would have to do is open Konsole and type
               sudo apt-get install wine wine-gecko
              it would also install any dependencies itself. If you tried to install manually, I would uninstall what you tried before, which can be done through Adept, then install it properly. It can also be installed through Adept (which can't be ran without admin rights, so will ask for a password) by searching for "wine", then selecting it to be installed along with "wine-gecko" if you want its fake IE to work.
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                Re: Installing wine- the windows API for linux

                Yeah. Thanks mate. I uninstalled previous versions along with wine-dev. And it worked.
                Thanks a lot!!!
                --------<br />Kasun Gajasinghe,<br />University of Moratuwa,<br />Sri Lanka.<br /><br />Blog:<br />Twitter:


                  Re: Installing wine- the windows API for linux

                  Glad I was able to help. Enjoy Wine, but be sure to check the Wine AppDB for any programs you try to install and run. A lot of the listings on the site will also help you troubleshoot problems with installing/running the programs.
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