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Kubuntu 8.10 Raid Install Weirdness

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    Kubuntu 8.10 Raid Install Weirdness


    I have successfully installed Kubuntu 8.10 off the alternate CD for raid support on work PC. The installation completed perfectly and my raid setup was automatically detected etc. Kubuntu is installed alongside windows XP for now till I am comfortable enough to use it 100%.

    My question is when I am in Dolphin a) I see duplicate copies of my windows partitions, b) and I cannot access them either. Is this normal or is something wrong?

    I installed Kubuntu 8.10 at home on a non-raid system and I could access my windows partitions ok.

    Thanks for any help/tips.


    Re: Kubuntu 8.10 Raid Install Weirdness

    You probably shouldn't see duplicates of Windows partition.
    And if you try to access it through Dolphin a window demanding your password should appear.

    Sorry I can't really help you with more info.

    How bad do you need raid. The way I see it if you're a normal user just like me there is really no real need for it.
    I have three disk which are not connected through RAID and everything works nice.
    I have one disk for Windows 7 one for Kubuntu and one for testing...
    I'm magnet for errors, problems and bugs...

