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Command to lock KDE and unlock KDE

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    Command to lock KDE and unlock KDE

    Hi all

    I am currently trying out blueproximity (bluetooth connection to a phone) and was wondering what the commands are for the following:-

    locking desktop command
    unlocking desktop command

    BlueProximity measures a distance between the paired bluuetooth device and the PC.
    once a set distance is set then the pc will automatically lock the desktop until the paired bluetooth device is back in range again.

    Has anyone had any luck with this.

    I am just playing at the moment and it is no real problem if this cannot be done.
    I only stumbled across this program after installing bluetooth today.

    Re: Command to lock KDE and unlock KDE

    Which branch of KDE do you use? You might hope for some success with 3.5.x. KDE 4.x has broken support for bluetooth. Kdebluetooth has not been fully ported yet - desktop locking is not working.


      Re: Command to lock KDE and unlock KDE


      I am using KDE 4.2, and from your answer this may well answer why I cannot get it to work at the moment.

      For me bluetooth seems to work well but the blueproximity software doesnt seem to lock or unlock the desktop.

      I will wait and see if this is fixed in the future.
      KDE 4.2 is too good to ditch and go back to kde 3.5.9


        Re: Command to lock KDE and unlock KDE

        It may be too late but i figure since i have found the answer to this i will post it.

        Locking command : qdbus org.kde.screensaver /ScreenSaver Lock ; xset dpms force off

        Unlocking command : xset dpms force on ; killall -9 krunner_lock

        Hope someone finds this useful.

