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Doesn't have sound

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    Doesn't have sound

    I recently installed Kubuntu, and despite being a longtime windows user, it hasn't thrown me for a loop so far (although once I start delving into the console's workings, I imagine it will) except for one thing; there's no sound.

    As near as I can determine, it just doesn't recognize that the two speakers (and one subwoofer) are even there, although I'm not entirely certain that's the problem--but that's what it looks like. Nothing's muted--and in fact, the first day I had installed it, the sound worked fine--well enough to listen to Philip Lynott's "Solo in soho."

    Anyways, while I like the operating system thus far (and want very much to learn to use it very well) I'm rather stumped by this whole inability to produce sound. If you have any Idea how to fix this--or even just to pinpoint exactly what the problem is--than please, post.

    Re: Doesn't have sound

    So it worked the first day? What did you do afterwards? Did you install/uninstall something, change some configuration files or anything like that?


      Re: Doesn't have sound

      I did not...just turned it off, restarted it the next day. Which makes this all rather surreal.

      I'm beginning to wonder if my speakers are somehow the problem--maybe the plug has come loose or something...but that wouldn't really jive with the fact that since I'm on a dual-boot system, when I start in windows the sound works fine.


        Re: Doesn't have sound

        Are you sure the PCM in the mixer is not muted? Sometimes it also helps to mute it and then unmute it again.


          Re: Doesn't have sound

          I found the problem--somehow the "front" volume had been muted. Not sure whether it was an accidental click on my part or some random error, but I'm glad I found it. I feel embarrassed as all hell that I hadn't noticed that...but at least it's fixed.

          Thanks for pointing me in the direction of the mixer. If it ever happens again, I'll know better...

