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Kubuntu Dapper vs Suse 10.1

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    Kubuntu Dapper vs Suse 10.1

    Hi all,

    I'm fairly new to Linux and have been using Kubuntu Breezy on dual boot with winXP. Now Kubuntu is coming up with the new release Dapper Drake and Suse has just released version 10.1 I'm curious what the main differences are (except that you can choose gnome or kde when installing Suse).

    I'm curious because I read a lot of positive reactions on the new Suse, but I can't fiure out what the difference between Kubuntu and Suse are, since Kubuntu is the only distro I've ever seen in action.

    Re: Kubuntu Dapper vs Suse 10.1


    In fact they are really different in one big point : way of packaging...
    Suse is based on rpm (red hat packages)
    (K)ubuntu is based on debian
    For me it's much easier to upgrade and keep up-to-date system like debian... Maybe some people will say contrary...
    Anyway, I think you can try them both, it's always nice to have few experiences and find the best distros for you.

    BTW, you can also choose between kde, gnome, xfce with ubuntu or all of them... Just install ubuntu-desktop package in kubuntu to have kde and gnome, if you want also xfce, install xfce package...

    Hope it answers your questions...


      Re: Kubuntu Dapper vs Suse 10.1

      yeah the packaging system on kubuntu feels much better to me. i used suse 10.0 for a few months and it was really good but software/system updates just didn't seem as straight forward and smooth as apt-get. my first real experience with linux was k/ubuntu and i seem to just keep coming back to it.


        Re: Kubuntu Dapper vs Suse 10.1

        Conversely, my first experience was with SuSE (as far back as 7.2 as it was then, and right up to 9.2!) - I tried a Ubuntu live CD at the release of 5.10, then completely switched to Kubuntu after that. I haven't regretted it!


          Re: Kubuntu Dapper vs Suse 10.1

          yea i tried suse 10.1 before dapper and i like dapper way better.


            Re: Kubuntu Dapper vs Suse 10.1

            Just to add a slightly different take on this. I am currently triple booting Win XP with Kubuntu dapper (which of course isn't quite stable yet) and Fedora Core 5 with only Gnome installed. Regarding software updates, the RPM system in Fedora (yum) is working as well for me as apt-get. Why Fedora? Well, one reason is that its trivial to load the enlightenment (E17) experimental desktop which I like to use occasionally. It also seems rock solid


              Re: Kubuntu Dapper vs Suse 10.1

              What distro you end up using as your main distro, Kroesss, depends on what you prefer at the end of the day.... so even though someone is a huge fan of SuSE and can't live without it doesn't mean you'll feel the same way. As with JamesM, my first love was SuSE (6.x - God I feel old) and I still do use it (although not as my primary system) because I felt that it was the most stable of the 64-bit distros at the moment.... again, that's a personal opinion.

              The more you use linux, the more differences you'll notice between the distros, and there are alot of differences. Distrowatch is a good site if you want to compare distros side by side and to keep up to date on what's happening. In your case, since you're fairly new to linux, I don't see why you should choose only one distro. It's very easy to install both side by side and hence you can discover for yourself which one you prefer.

