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Asus WL-138G

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    Asus WL-138G

    How do I install & setup an ASUS WL-138G wireless adapter in Kubuntu?

    Re: Asus WL-138G

    That's a PCI adapter, right?

    Go to a command line terminal window (aka console window) and type this at the prompt: lspci

    Then copy the output and paste it in your reply. That info will help and someone should be able to give you better instructions.

    I think there are two versions of that adapter. One has a Marvel chipset and the other Broadcom.

    You need to know which one and whether it is a version 1 or version 2.

    So, at prompt like this:
    :~$ lspci

    Then post the output or at least the output portion that applies to your wireless adapter. It will either be 'Marvel' or 'Broadcom.'

    The 'Marvel' adapter might require ndiswrapper and the Broadcom one should work with at bit of tweaking. It used to need ndiswrapper but I think the drivers should be part of the kernel now. You might have to just enable the 'non-free' repository in Kubuntu. Find the Kubuntu/Ubuntu pages for 'Repositories' on how to do that. You enter the repository in your sources list and then reload the packages again. You should then be able to load/install the Broadcom b43 firmware. If it's a Marvel chipset, well, then your problems are only starting. I don't know if it is supported yet so you might have to use nswrapper that allows you to use the Windows driver for it.

