I have a conky script i got off of a deviantart posting that i like, but i can't get it to be truly transparent, it shows a portion of the original makers desktop as a background.
I am using the following config file.
And after reading up on the subject i was told to use this startup script to get it to fork correctly.
but i'm still getting the following result... (http://www.v3trae.net/linux/conky.jpg)
[img width=114 height=400]http://www.v3trae.net/linux/conky.jpg[/img]
Maybe i'm missing a stupid line in the config or something, Can anyone help me?
Thank you ahead of time =)
I am using the following config file.
0000644000175000017500000000434510644522536013116 0ustar johanjohanbackground no font Sans:size=10 #xftfont Sans:size=10 background yes use_xft yes xftalpha 0.9 update_interval 1.0 total_run_times 0 own_window yes own_window_type normal own_window_transparent yes own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager double_buffer yes minimum_size 220 5 maximum_width 220 draw_shades yes draw_outline no draw_borders no draw_graph_borders yes default_color white default_shade_color black default_outline_color green alignment bottom_right gap_x 12 gap_y 35 no_buffers yes uppercase no cpu_avg_samples 2 override_utf8_locale no uppercase yes # set to yes if you want all text to be in uppercase TEXT ${color white}SYSTEM ${hr 1}${color} Hostname: $alignr$nodename Kernel: $alignr$kernel Uptime: $alignr$uptime Temp: ${alignr}${acpitemp}C CPU: ${alignr}${freq} MHz Processes: ${alignr}$processes ($running_processes running) Load: ${alignr}$loadavg CPU1 ${alignr}${cpu cpu1}% ${cpubar 4 cpu1} CPU2 ${alignr}${cpu cpu2}% ${cpubar 4 cpu2} CPU3 ${alignr}${cpu cpu3}% ${cpubar 4 cpu3} CPU4 ${alignr}${cpu cpu4}% ${cpubar 4 cpu4} Ram ${alignr}$mem / $memmax ($memperc%) ${membar 4} swap ${alignr}$swap / $swapmax ($swapperc%) ${swapbar 4} Highest CPU $alignr CPU% MEM% ${top name 1}$alignr${top cpu 1}${top mem 1} ${top name 2}$alignr${top cpu 2}${top mem 2} ${top name 3}$alignr${top cpu 3}${top mem 3} Highest MEM $alignr CPU% MEM% ${top_mem name 1}$alignr${top_mem cpu 1}${top_mem mem 1} ${top_mem name 2}$alignr${top_mem cpu 2}${top_mem mem 2} ${top_mem name 3}$alignr${top_mem cpu 3}${top_mem mem 3} ${color white}Filesystem ${hr 1}${color} Root: ${alignr}${fs_free /} / ${fs_size /} ${fs_bar 4 /} Storage: ${alignr}${fs_free /mnt/Storage} / ${fs_size /mnt/Storage} ${fs_bar 4 /mnt/Storage} ${color white}NETWORK ${hr 1}${color} Down ${downspeed ath0} k/s ${alignr}Up ${upspeed ath0} k/s ${downspeedgraph ath0 25,107} ${alignr}${upspeedgraph ath0 25,107} Total ${totaldown ath0} ${alignr}Total ${totalup ath0} conkyrc/weather.xslt0000644000175000017500000000410610640555256014072 0ustar johanjohan<!-- conkyrc/weather.sh0000744000175000017500000000265710640555110013511 0ustar johanjohan#!/bin/sh
#!/bin/bash feh --bg-scale "`grep 'wallpaper=' ~/.kde/share/config/plasma-appletsrc | tail --bytes=+11`" conky -c .conkyrc/.conkyrc1 & while inotifywait ~/.kde/share/config/plasma-appletsrc; do feh --bg-scale "`grep 'wallpaper=' ~/.kde/share/config/plasma-appletsrc | tail --bytes=+11`" done
[img width=114 height=400]http://www.v3trae.net/linux/conky.jpg[/img]
Maybe i'm missing a stupid line in the config or something, Can anyone help me?
Thank you ahead of time =)