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keyboard shortcuts

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    keyboard shortcuts

    Using KDE 4.1 and wondering how do I set up keyboard shortcuts. I would like to open a few programs using different keyboard commands. New to KDE, but I like it, just need to learn a lil more about it.

    Re: keyboard shortcuts

    Unfortunately, keyboard shortcuts to run programs don't work in KDE 4.1 (you can set them in the menu editor, but they don't work right)

    This is due a rewrite of the software to handle shortcuts, and the issue is fixed in 4.2.


      Re: keyboard shortcuts

      i have this issue now with kde 4.3.... on both my machines. i have in the menu editor a keyboard shortcut for dolphin. and i press the keys and dolphin does not launch. could this be a possible regression? , i have tried several different combos with alt, ctrl and or meta <my 'win' key> + a-z chars or f1-f8. nothing seams to work.
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        Re: keyboard shortcuts

        Originally posted by sithlord48
        i have this issue now with kde 4.3.... on both my machines. i have in the menu editor a keyboard shortcut for dolphin. and i press the keys and dolphin does not launch. could this be a possible regression? , i have tried several different combos with alt, ctrl and or meta <my 'win' key> + a-z chars or f1-f8. nothing seams to work.
        I don't have problems with shortcuts in karmic 4.3, are you using jaunty?

        1. Do other global shortcuts work (like alt+tab to switch windows etc)?
        - if not, check that 'kglobalaccel' is running

        2. Check that your shortcuts are enabled (SystemSettings>InputActions>KMenuEdit and Systemsettings>Keyboard&Mouse>GlobalShortcuts>Comp onent:khotkeys)


          Re: keyboard shortcuts

          i am on jaunty.

          1. i can alt+tab and etc. this seams to only apply to shortcuts set in the 'k' menu editor (ie: a global for dolphin) , kglobalaccel is running!

          2. oh input actions does have kmenuedit checked off but no shortcuts..
          and after adding a shortcut for dolphin it works just not when i set it in the menu editor (as you would in kde 4.2).

          thanks kubicle now i can keep my hands on my keyboard again, and get back to work.
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