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Burning ISO files with Kubuntu 8.10?

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    Burning ISO files with Kubuntu 8.10?


    Is it possible to burn .iso files with kubuntu? If so, what program do I need?

    Thanks in advance

    Re: Burning ISO files with Kubuntu 8.10?

    Sure. Use K3b.


      Re: Burning ISO files with Kubuntu 8.10?

      K3b takes care of this, but there are other apps that you might download as well. The ones I've found should run under GNOME, they are GnomeBaker, Brasero Disc Burning.

      In case you'd need to modify an ISO image, you may install ISO Master, too.

      If it's something like a distro installation CD, you better burn it at very low speed to ensure the contents won't be burnt incorrectly.
      Multibooting: Kubuntu Noble 24.04
      Before: Jammy 22.04, Focal 20.04, Precise 12.04 Xenial 16.04 and Bionic 18.04
      Win XP, 7 & 10 sadly
      Using Linux since June, 2008


        Re: Burning ISO files with Kubuntu 8.10?

        Yes, K3b has full control of the burning process for ISO images (also see #1 on the FAQs in my signature). There are other good burning packages -- I have used brasero with good results.


          Re: Burning ISO files with Kubuntu 8.10?

          Thank guys,

          I am in fact using it to burn a disto to a CD.


            Re: Burning ISO files with Kubuntu 8.10?

            Any idea what kubuntu has planned for post-kde3 libs burning, since k3b-kde4 has been "abandoned"?

            OK, a little over the top saying abandoned, but seriously... 4.3? :P

