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going back to dial up connection

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    going back to dial up connection

    i am on broadband connection right now and wanted to know if theres any programs i need to get before i go back home to my slow dial up connection i got kppp installed so i hope i will be able to connect when i get back home but i know it will take alot longer on dial up so if u guys could maybe tell me what i might need now i could could save alot of time oh and does anyone know if my hp 7955 modem will connect with linux im new to this so i wasnt even sure also im using kubuntu 8.10

    Re: going back to dial up connection

    No one knows what you already have. As for what you need, that depends on what you do with your computer and how you prefer to do it. The "HP 7955", that's a model of computer, not a modem. Right? What modem does it have?
    73, AC7ZZ

