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newly installed programs don't show up in kmenu / anywhere

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    newly installed programs don't show up in kmenu / anywhere

    Thanks for reading.

    I've been searching this forum for over an hour and can't find a solution to my problem. I recently installed two things using the Synaptics Package manager (since Adept couldn't find them) -

    1. a wacom utility and drivers to try to get my tabletPC functionality working, and
    2. a game called scribble based on scrabble.

    Neither of these programs are found in the Kmenu anywhere, even if I search for them. I'm a very recent windows convert and don't know how to use the konsole yet to do manual entry at all, but I need to find these and future programs I install that get lost like this.

    From what I've read I am guessing that the problem may have something to do with these being gnome based, rather than kde/qt4, but I really don't know that for sure.

    Please, please advise.

    Re: newly installed programs don't show up in kmenu / anywhere

    There are several ways to find files. You might start with the 'locate' command, as follows:

    locate scribble

    This will likely spit out a bunch of stuff. Executable programs are usually in /usr/bin, so if you see '/usr/bin/scribble' that is what you are looking for. You can try the command either from Konsole, or press ALT-F2 for a command window that you can type the command in.

    Other commands you might try are find, whereis, which. They are a little different; check out the man pages with 'man find', for example, to see the details.

    To add the game to the K menu system, right click on the "kicker" icon, choose Menu Editor, highlight the group you want to add to (probably games), and choose 'new item'. Give the item a name (Scribble), press OK. In the screen that comes up, put /usr/bin/scribble in the command box. The games icon might be located in /usr/lib somewhere, or you can choose an icon by searching through /usr/share/icons. When you have the item set up, don't forget to choose SAVE from the main menu.

    Finding things that install with unusual names can be a problem. You can try the 'apropos' command to search the man database to try to find the command.

    apropos wacom

    will bring up the man pages (brief instruction sheets) for everything that mentions wacom; you can probably figure out the command name from that.

    Hope this is helpful.
    We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking


      Re: newly installed programs don't show up in kmenu / anywhere

      Originally posted by panamade
      Thanks for reading.

      I've been searching this forum for over an hour and can't find a solution to my problem. I recently installed two things using the Synaptics Package manager (since Adept couldn't find them) -

      1. a wacom utility and drivers to try to get my tabletPC functionality working, and
      2. a game called scribble based on scrabble.

      Neither of these programs are found in the Kmenu anywhere, even if I search for them. I'm a very recent windows convert and don't know how to use the konsole yet to do manual entry at all, but I need to find these and future programs I install that get lost like this.

      From what I've read I am guessing that the problem may have something to do with these being gnome based, rather than kde/qt4, but I really don't know that for sure.

      Please, please advise.
      try running
      from Konsole to update Kickoff (the Kmenu).


        Re: newly installed programs don't show up in kmenu / anywhere

        I have to restart X-session everytime so I just run them from the terminal
        Kubuntu 8.04.1 Hardy Heron KDE 3.5.9 @ Lenovo 3000 N200, Intel Pentium Dual-Core 1,86 GHz, Intel X3100 onboard, 2 GB RAM, 160 GB HDD<br />Kubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex x86_64 4.2 @ AMD Athlon 64 X2 4000 +, ASUS GeForce 8600 GT, 4 GB Corsair 800 MHz RAM, Seagate 320 HDD, LG 19&quot; TFT, L192WS-SN

