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how do I play a dvd? I start up kaffeine and press open dvd. it goes to the holly grail play menu. I press play. and it does nothing. if I press play again it toggles between full screen and maximised.
Firstly I believe that watching DVDs using Linux is illegal in the USA?
Make sure that "libdvdcss2" is installed - this is the decoder.
Make sure that the DVD appears on the desktop and is available. (You might need to input the address of your DVD under "preferences".)
I am not keen on Kaffeine and haven't had any success with it. I have used Xine, VLC, Totem, Mplayer etc - these all work without problems.
"A problem well stated is a problem half solved." --Charles F. Kettering
"Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."--Dr. Seuss